Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thank You New York Yankees...

for winning the World Series and giving me my fiance's full attention back ;)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Patience and a Date Night.

To everyone who told me that this week (the week before my eagerly anticipated wedding) would fly by, I thank you for lying to me.

Seriously. This week is drraaaaginnnngggggg. Or maybe I just need to work on my patience...

Now let me tell you all about my wonderful little date-night with the boy last night. About 2 weeks ago, he asked me if I'd like to have dinner with him - just him - one night the week of the wedding. Of course I agreed. And what a fantastic idea it turned out to be.

We had dinner at Yono's, complete with champagne and a lovely tasting menu. The food and drinks were (of course) fantastic but the real treat
was getting an evening alone (with only a few small interruptions from the Yankees... damn World Series) with my almost-husband. He's always been very sentimental and romantic but he pulled out all the stops last night with stories of how he felt and what he thought when we first met. I melted. I mean, c'mon, who doesn't like to hear about awesome they are? Kidding... it was very sweet.

And speaking of sweet, below is the dessert that was delivered to us (after 4 other insanely filling courses). If you can't read the writing on the plates, it says "Two Halves... That Fit Together"... we each had a half of two different pieces of cake. Isn't that a total "makes me want to gag" kinda cute? ;)

Now back to the search for some patience...

Monday, November 2, 2009


Table. Does that look weird to you? It does to me. I've been sitting at my computer typing out escort cards for about an hour now, seeing the word 'TABLE' repeated over and over and over again...

You know, when you look a particular word SO much that it starts to look like it's spelled incorrectly??? Happens to me fairly frequently...

Just thought I'd share ;)