Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy(?) Halloween.

So I'm not a huge fan of Halloween. I couldn't tell you the last time I dressed up. It's probably because I never do anything fun for it though. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm a complete wuss and am way too easily startled. I prefer to just sit at home trying ignore the doorbell.

We did see some pretty cute little monkeys and chickies at Peter & Stacey's earlier today though. It was the first Halloween for several of our friends' babies so they had a little get-together. Aren't they adorable?

After the party, I made the HUGEST Halloween mistake ever. I went to the mall. Who knew that parents are allowed to parade their children through the mall to get candy from every. single. store. They were everywhere. At first it was kind of cute, but it got a little annoying having to compete with 14 costumed seven year olds to get a salesperson's attention. And to make matters worse, I was not having a good shopping day. Why is it that whenever I'm intentionally looking for something (more honeymoon clothes!!) I strike out big-time but when I'm just wandering through and don't want to spend money I find all of these wonderful items that I just HAVE to have? Ugh.

Do I sound complainy today? I should probably mention that I'm REALLY good at complaining. My New Year's resolution (I hate those) last year was to not complain so much. I really did make a concerted effort and feel like I don't do it nearly as much... unfortunately I seem to be the only one who's noticed...

Enough about that... let's get back to Halloween.

So I obviously missed the brunt of trick-or-treaters this year because I had to go the mall. The boy convinced me to leave a bowl of candy on the front porch though, so our house wouldn't get egged. His words, not mine ;) I even left a note on it: "Please take some candy but leave some for other trick-or-treaters". When I got home I was shocked to find about half of the candy still remaining. Kids in this neighborhood must have manners.

Figuring it was well past time for anymore kiddies to be ringing my doorbell, I pulled the remaining candy inside and turned off the outside lights. (It was past 8:30 people. And really dark. We have no street lights on our street.) I was proved sorely wrong. Isn't turning out your lights the universal symbol for "I have no more candy" or whatever?? At about 9:15, a very large group of teenage girls walked up my pitch-black driveway and rang the bell. No big deal. I gave them candy and they left.

Now I'm really figuring I won't have anymore visitors, so I decide to change into my usual nighttime attire of fun pants and a tank top. Wrong once again. This time though, I was lucky enough to be in the back of the house where they couldn't see me through the front window and make me open the door. I stayed put long enough to assume they'd moved onto the next house.

At 10:00, I settled in on my couch for a movie. Then at 10:24 (I wish I was kidding) my doorbell rang once again. 10:24! Seriously??? Who rings a stranger's doorbell that late? At this point, I had already put the leftover candy away so I just went to the door and shooed them off. Then I watched them walk across the street to my neighbor's house. haha. Sorry, neighbor.

Maybe next year I'll play nice ;)

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