Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Deck the Halls

Saying that I'm obsessed with Christmas would be quite an understatement. I get absolutely giddy with excitement this time of year. And one of the things I look most forward to is turning my house into a Christmas wonderland. Or "the Christmas crack den", as my friend Andrea lovingly nicknamed it. Too bad that didn't insult me. I LOVE it!

This year's theme is ornaments. I went a little overboard. They are EVERYWHERE. They're hanging from my drapery, draped over picture frames, sitting on shelves, they're in my china cabinet... Like I said, EVERYWHERE. I have issues.

Without further ado, below are pictures of my crack den, er, wonderland. If you get bored, make a game out of it and count the ornaments ;)

It's also bears mentioning that my Christmas tree MUST match my living room decor.

One guess as to whose stocking is whose. The dogs share.

Please ignore the massive wad of cords. And the finger prints on the frame.
See? Like I said. Ornaments everywhere.

You like?

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