Friday, January 15, 2010

A Little Overdue Christmas Post

I know, I know, it's January. I like to drag the holiday season out as long as possible... although, my tree did come down before New Year's this year. How sad.

Onto the pics:


Mr. & Mrs. P, in front our gorgeous tree :)

This party was specifically designed for those of us who don't yet have to play Santa and have the kiddies in bed by 8 to put the presents under the tree.

Me and Sissy (in-law)

We had a fantastic time. What's not to love about food, liquor and a little Christmas cheer?

Note the picture of the bar taped to the wall above the, um, bar. It was scheduled for delivery the day after Christmas. Go figure.

Nunz thought it appropriate to tip me, as my "shot girl" skills were top notch.

Two of my favorite girls.


Please try to contain your laughter. I don't photograph well to begin with... glasses and last night's makeup only make it worse.

My beautiful new watch (courtesy of Mom) and ring (courtesy of husband). I could be a hand model, no? ;)

The pups, playing with their Christmas presents. They obviously hate them ;)

The aftermath. Ugh. Even at almost 30, we can't open presents neatly.

The piece de resistance, finally out of Crate & Barrel's warehouse, put where it belongs. Don't judge. It had to be filled and photographed before we even thought about cleaning the floor around it. Alcohol takes precedence over cleanliness in our home ;)

So that's that. Christmas 2009 is over. Hope everyone got (and gave!) everything they wanted!
Maybe I'll start decorating in October next year...

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