Saturday, January 2, 2010


So I'm not the New Year's resolution type. I think it's ridiculous to commit to something on January 1st and have forgotten about it completely by January 31st.

So instead, every year, I try to improve something about myself. Just a small thing. Something I know I can stick to that will better my life and relationships.

Last year I decided I'd try to complain less. I couldn't stand that my identity with some friends was that of a negative, glass-is-half-empty one. I'm truly not unhappy with anything in my life, not to mention the fact that I smile ALL THE TIME, so I'm not exactly sure where all the negativity and complaining came from.

I think I did fairly well with my 2009 non-resolution. I really made a wholehearted attempt to think before I spoke when I knew it might have resulted in a complaint. Too bad I'm the only one who seemed to notice ;) Maybe I'll keep working on that this year.

My 2010 non-resolution is to really maintain my running routine. Since my high school track days (I was a discus/shot put girl... imagine that), I've continued to make a half-assed attempt to be a "runner". By attempt, I mean a couple times a year I'll take up running and really commit to it for oh, about a month. Then completely stop, eat everything in sight, drink endless amounts of wine and hate myself.

So to ensure that I stick to it this year, I'm going to run at least 3 road races. They'll probably be 5ks, so don't think I've completely lost my mind trying to train for 3 marathons or something. I just need a little push. And hopefully the 5ks will do it. I'm getting old people, staying in shape is far harder than it used to be. I NEED to keep running. I'm hoping that by putting it in writing, I'll hold myself accountable.

In fact, I went out this morning for a quick run. It probably wasn't the smartest thing though... it was about 25 degrees with wind so strong it could've blown Dorothy back to Kansas. I almost died. Literally. I thought my lungs froze. Off to a good start, I am.

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