Friday, January 8, 2010

Working for a living... not something I'm necessarily fond of. But since I'm partial to shopping, keeping my car full of gas, eating and paying my mortgage, it's undoubtedly necessary.

I seem to be in a bit of job-related funk lately, though. But don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I do.

See, I'm smiling because I want to help you buy or sell a house.*

The problem with this business is, I have to stay insanely motivated to succeed and be known as a good agent. (Although in the eyes of my past clients, I already am the World's Greatest Real Estate Agent!**) And right now, I'm not that motivated. I think getting married had something to do with it. I went from super-agent extraodonaire, selling a butt-load of houses a month, to doing nothing so I could focus on the wedding and honeymoon. And then it was Thanksgiving. And Christmas. And New Year's. Seriously, who wants to work during that glorious time of year???

But now it's January and I have no excuse for my slacking. I know in my head what I need to do, I just need someone to kick me in the ass and make me do it. Any takers?

Enough complaining. Maybe I should do some work now. Since I am, you know, at work ;)

*I loathe this picture. Any guesses as to my age here?

**I have proof. Although I don't think the testimonial release form my clients signed mentioned blog-posting, so I'll keep those words of praise to myself.

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