Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Can I get a do-over?

So. It's almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Which means I've been at work, um, ALL DAY.

I just reached down to shift my necklace when my hand grazed this weird tag-y thing inside my dress. In the front.

My dress has been on backwards ALL DAY.


This just goes to show you that I should not be required to wake up at 8:30 am, i.e. the ASS-CRACK of dawn, expected to perform the ever-difficult task of dressing myself.

Regardless of my stupidity, it's snowing outside. Am happy :)


  1. I went to the bathroom the other day, looked down and realized by underwear were on inside out and backwards. At 8pm. Good thing there was no one around to notice.

    Did anyone notice your dress?

  2. No one said anything but I'm sure they were all laughing on the inside.
