Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hallway Decor

We have one hallway in our house. It's long, narrow and mind-numbingly boring.

I want to create a gallery of sorts, with picture frames lining the walls to liven it up. I just can't decide how to hang them or what type of frames to use.

Our home is decorated in a contemporary sort of style (clean lines, simple color pallette, modern furniture pieces) with a slight traditional edge (crown molding, silk drapery) to warm it up a bit.

So the hallway could go either way. Contemporary or traditional.

The question is:

Do I go with a look like this, with the simlicity of symmetry and matching frames?

Or do I do something like this? Still symmetrical, still with matching frames, but a little more haphazard.

Or do I make a statement and go floor to ceiling with my arrangement?

What would you do?


Andrea said...

The Third picture gives me a headache - too much going on. It is like a crack explosion of photogrpahy. I really like the first one best but that is just me. You have great taste and put things together beautifully so whatever you decide will look fabulous.

siobhan307 said...

I like the first one also.

Dominick Purnomo said...

I agree, the first or second. The third one looks like AC Moore threw yup all over the hallway!


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