Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My husband thinks I'm funny...

Except for last Friday when he called from work to tell me that his car was stolen and I laughed and said that he had to be kidding.

Wait, what?

Yes, shiny new car was stolen. From the gated, attendant-supervised valet lot at his restaurant. Seriously.

Lesson learned: take husband seriously next time car is stolen.

Wait, what?

Yeeaaahhhh... let's not go down that road again. haha. Road. Just like the one the thieves drove ours down. And left abandoned on.

What an f-ing nightmare. Surveillance from the lot showed two men walk into the lot, approach husband's car, high-five and get in. Apparently car-thievery warrants high-fiving. Another lesson learned. Then they drove right out of the gate. The attendant, in the meantime, sat in his heated booth playing Play Station. Instead of paying attention to the car being STOLEN from under his nose. Idiot.

After a fantastically sleepless night (the car thieves have our f-ing HOUSE key) we woke up early the next morning to methodically drive the streets of the Albany ghetto looking for the car.

No dice.

Finally, we got the call around 8:30pm that it had been located, apparently deserted behind a Burger King. The cops said it looked kind of odd to see a nice, shiny car sitting there in a shitty neighborhood. Thankfully these were no Super Troopers and were smart enough to run the plates. They then discreetly watched the car to see if the thieves would return. They didn't (go figure), so they called us.

I seriously thought that we'd get there, identify the car and hand over the spare key so they could take the car in and process it or whatever. Apparently I watch too much CSI. No dusting for prints, no checking for blood stains in the trunk, nothing. How boring.

And everything was intact inside the car and out. The only thing missing was our GPS. Eh, we needed a new one anyway.


Back to my original thought... Apparently my husband really does think I'm funny. He called me from work the other day to tell me "I was just reading your blog and you're pretty fucking funny." Awwww, he likes me, he really, really likes me! Well, my blog anyway ;)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I think you are funny too Carolyn!


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