Monday, October 25, 2010

The incredible shrinking Carolyn

So. Saturday marked the end of another session of Boot Camp. Insert sad face here. Unless you're my husband who is overjoyed for it to be over. I guess he likes it when I'm actually awake when he gets home from work, as opposed to being sound asleep thanks to my little friend, Ambien, in preparation for my 4:30am wake up calls. Can't complain... it's nice to be wanted.

Anyway. At Boot Camp, before our 30 minute run and relay workout, we were measured. Gotta tell ya... I was a bit nervous this time. My eating has been less than stellar over the past few weeks. I was really starting to miss wine. And carbs.

In true Carolyn fashion, however, I ate like a champ the day before and limited my sodium intake to, you know, lessen the belly bloat on measurement day.

And guess what?

It worked!

Or maybe it really was all the hard work I put into my workouts. Go figure.

Onto the results:

I'll start from way back in July when I first posted my accomplishments. Just because I know you want the refresher. Not at all because I like to gloat. ha

(Numbers are from 6/19/10, 7/29/10 and 10/23/10)

weight: 145 - 138.5 - 132.5
bicep: 11.25" - 10.5" - 10.25" (Guns, baby!)
chest: 36.75" - 36" - 35" (This is starting to scare me... I'm out of back fat so it means that yes, my boobs are shrinking. Sorry husband.)
waist: 30" - 28.5" - 27.5" (I seriously uttered a "nuht uh" when she read that measurement. The lack of sodium the day before must've worked wonders. I don't really think this is accurate on a daily basis, but whatever.)
hips: 39" - 37.25" - 36" (woo hoo!!)
thigh: 21" - 20" - 20" (No change. Poo. Although my thighs are seriously solid so I guess I can't complain.)

So as you can see, my body is still working it's magic and ridding itself of unsightly fat. When I first started, my goal weight was 132. But now that I'm so freaking close, I'm pushing for 130. And when I get there, I'm sure I'll want to go further because OH MY GOD, haven't seen the 120s since my teens!!

And now for some more oh-so-lovely "after" pics.

Honestly though, I think I look quite bloated in these pics. Must've been a bad sodium day. I feel like my stomach looks flatter than that in real life.

And shut up. Cameras DO lie.

Still have a slight belly bulge. Judging from my mother though, I don't think I'll ever rid of it. She's taller and proportionately thinner than I am and has had one her entire life.

Ooh, but look! Or don't, if you happen to be my brother reading this. I have (kind of) an ass! All of those walking lunges are paying off!

Be gone, flat-ass syndrome, be gone!

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