Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sugar overload.

See this?

 This platter of cookies?
This half-eaten platter of cookies?

And this half-empty dish of peppermint bark?

Might be my fault.

I seriously can't stop.  But I really can't blame myself.  I mean, my sugar cookies and peppermint bark came out so amazingly good this year it would be a sin to NOT eat them.  Right? 

Someone should have stopped me after #5 last night.

I woke up this morning with an aching stomach.  For real.  I thought that only happened to children. 

I need to get rid of these cookies fast.

To do that, I've come up with two possible solutions:

1:  Eat everything that remains as quickly as possible.
2:  Throw them away.


Let's be sensible here.  We all know I'm going to eat them.

So if anyone needs me in the next day or so, I'll be in a sugar-coma on my couch.

Happy Christmas!

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