Friday, May 20, 2011

Running out of my rut.

My mapmyrun(.com) calendar is looking pretty sad lately.  For awhile I was logging about 40 miles a month.  I haven't even run 40 in 2011 yet. 

And I have a 5K in three weeks.  I am totally 100% unprepared.  I know I'll be able run the whole thing and should have no problem finishing under 30 minutes, but I want to PR, dammit!  I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's not going to happen, since I'd need to shave more than a minute off of my current pace to do so. 

The weather here in lovely upstate NY has been less than stellar so far this spring.  The snow didn't fully melt until, oh, April.  And since then it's been rainy and cold.  Not ideal running weather.  For me anyway.  I'm not that hardcore ;)  And we've already discussed my hatred for the dreadmill.

Knowing that I have the 5K coming up though, I dragged my ass off my sofa yesterday afternoon and strapped on my fancy new running sneakers.  Purple!  And they're Nike Ipod+ compatible! 

 Can you say reflective? 

Ipod+ might be the coolest thing ever.  No more checking my watch every few feet minutes to see how long I've been running, trying to guess how far I've gone and what my pace is.  Now the magic lady on my Ipod tells me all of that whenever I'd like to hear it!  Totally made running more fun.  On a side note, it also told me that my favorite quick run through my neighborhood is a tenth of a mile shorter than I had previously calculated.  Oops. 

I'm actually excited to get out of my office and go for another run this afternoon just so magic Ipod lady can talk to me!  I think I shall name her Sophie.  For no other reason than it's the first name to pop in my head. 

So, Sophie, are you ready for me?  Just don't tell me today that my pace is above 10min/mile, okay?  I'd like to keep our relationship civil.

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