Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Life@(The Purnomo)Home

This is getting to be a bit much.  I promise I'll stop with the publicity posts soon but this one is too good not to share.

Late last year, we were asked by a good friend of ours, who happens to be a journalist with our local paper, to be featured in a Chef@Home article that he writes for the Times Union's Life@Home Magazine.  And as we're learning in this blog, I don't turn down publicity. 

In early March, we found out that we were scheduled to do the shoot later that month.  Cue three weeks of frenzied house clean-up and decorating.  All of those annoying little projects that we put off after the renovations definitely needed to be finished before a photographer stepped foot in my home. 

Or so I thought. 

Naturally, the pics that made it in the magazine only showed our kitchen and a bit of the living room.  None of the fancy new artwork, window treatments or gorgeous fresh floral arrangments appeared.

Oh well.  It was the kick in the ass that we needed to get the house done.  At least now we can relax and enjoy it.

We had a fantastic time during shoot, preparing and serving three courses for six.  Husband also paired two wines (one white, one red) with each course.

Course 1:  duck tacos with homemade salsa and creme fraiche
Course 2:  bacon-wrapped cipollini salad with hot bacon vinaigrette
Course 3:  paella (with every seafood variety known to man)
Dessert:  dark chocolate bread pudding a la mode

The food was delicious, the conversation entertaining.  And ever the hostess, I sent each guest home with a goodie-bag of homemade chocolate chip cookies.  Yes, I went a little overboard.

Even the pups enjoyed themselves.

We knew the article wasn't coming out until the June issue.  Waiting was so hard!  I was dying to see it.  Or more realistically, dying to read what I was quoted as saying.  Did I mention the two glasses of wine per course?  Or that our dinner conversation was recorded?  ;)

Finally in late May we received several advance copies and couldn't have been more pleased.  A few days later the article was posted online and then it hit news-stands.  Read it here.

And don't be shy.  Tell me what you think!

Mr & Mrs P, M & B


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