Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Because I don't want to forget...

So.  I'm super late with this post.

We already know this, but my husband is seriously the best ever.  For our second anniversary (way back on November 8th), he planned the most amazing getaway to the city.  The only details he gave were what to pack.  I love surprise trips!

Now let's see how well I do at recalling the details of something that happened over 4 months ago.

Day 1:  lunch at my favorite NYC lunch spot, Jean-Georges. After a delicious lunch (that I apparently failed to document), husband surprised me with a visit to the Guggenheim.  He knows how obsessed I am with Frank Lloyd Wright (he designed the building) and that I've always wanted to go, so we went!  The exhibits change throughout the year and the one there that day was created by Maurizio Cattelan.  It was a crazy display of suspended, um, stuff.  (I'm totally not up on my art terminology.) Photos below.  The Guggenheim is such a neat building... it's literally a spiral that takes you all the way up (or down as we did it) in a circle so you're able to view the exhibit from all possible angles.  There was also a pretty bad-ass Kandinsky exhibit that I wasn't allowed to photograph.

Later that night we went to dinner with Sis, Nunz and Scooter.  How terrible is it that I don't recall the name of the restaurant?  Oh well.  It was fun.  And I got to wear one of my favorite outfits :)

Day 2: I awoke to more surprises.  Husband told me, however, to make sure I shaved my legs.  Pretty much a dead give-away.  Um, hello massage!  He whisked me off to Bliss Spa for a glorious 60 minute massage followed by a Shellac manicure.  Heaven.  After that, we walked to one of my new favorite places in the city, Eataly!  This place is seriously amazing.  It's a giant Italian grocery store with several different cafe areas to sit and grab a bite and a glass (bottle!) of wine.  And on the roof is a beautiful open bar where we had more wine and cheese :)  Sis joined us for this, too.  

Since it was such a beautiful November day, husband had one more surprise for me.  We walked back to our hotel on the High Line!  The High Line is a fairly new park.  It was originally built above the city as a freight line in the 1930s.  It sat neglected for decades until being transformed into a beautiful park.  It runs from Chelsea to mid-town (ish... I'm not terribly up on my NYC geography) and we walked the entire thing.  It was quite unique to see the city from such a different vantage point.  Can't wait to walk it again!


Day 2 ended with a fabulous dinner at  "our" table at our most favorite restaurant, Daniel.  Again, no pictures, but it was the perfect end to a perfect anniversary trip. 

Happy 2 year (and 4 month) anniversary, Babe!


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