Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The first 8 weeks.

Originally written on March 14, 2012... I'm actually 11w2d now but I need to catch you up on the fun of the first 8 weeks :)

So.  I love reading all the pregnancy blogs that include cute little surveys about Mama and Baby's progress but I get a little bored with the repetitive nature of them.  Unfortunately I couldn't find anything different in my search for a more fun survey and I'm not nearly creative enough to come up with one on my own.  So for the next 7 months, get ready to be dazzled by my answers to some pretty boring pregnancy questions ;)

For the first one, I'll do my best to recap everything that's happened so far (as of week 8, anyway).

How far along?:  8 weeks!  Baby's the size of a raspberry.  My favorite :)

Total weight gain:  About 4lbs of pure fat.  And maybe a little bloat.  And a little bit in my bra ;)

Maternity Clothes?:  No, but I find myself unbuttoning my pants by about 11am daily.

Stretch Marks?:  Let's pray that these stay far, far away.

Sleep:  Is all I want to do.  I take an afternoon nap almost everyday and am sleeping about 8-10 hours/night.  It's glorious.

Best moment this week:  Last u/s with RE, baby looks like an adorable little kidney bean.

Movement:  I'm going to leave this category out until necessary, from now on.

Cravings:  Donuts.  Specifically apple fritters.  And more specifically the glaze on said fritters.  Oh, and carbs.  Any and all carbs.  Thus the 4lb weight gain.  (Sidenote: during week 4, I couldn't get enough red meat.  I NEVER eat red meat.  As fast as that craving came though, it went.  Now the thought of it makes me want to vom.)

Aversions:  Um, everything?  The aversions have been by far the worst (and most unexpected) symptom.  I can't  stand even the thought of meat, specifically chicken.  I also almost lost it after trying to swallow a bite of salad around week 6.

Other Symptoms:  Constant hunger.  And I mean, "I will gnaw my own arm off if I don't get food now" kind of hunger.  It's awful.  I'm fairly nauseous from about 10am to 3 or 4 each afternoon but ginger ale and oyster crackers help tremendously.  Also?  My boobs  And are slightly larger.  And the worst symptom?  And by worst I mean most disgusting.  I'm a burping machine.  Loud, guttural man-burps. It starts literally minutes after eating.  I guess the only saving grace about being gassy is that it's coming out of this end and not other, potentially more stinky end of my body ;)

Missing anything?:  I'm seriously shocked that I don't miss wine.  It's actually almost an aversion... I really don't want anything to do with it.

Showing?:  Other than the 4lb weight gain and bloat?  No.

Gender Prediction:  I've had several boy dreams but I'm attributing that to the birth of my nephew in January.  My mom and sister-in-law think girl.

Labor Signs:  Another category that you won't see for awhile.

Mood:  I've definitely noticed myself getting more and more irritable lately.  I've also been quite weepy, which is really pretty pathetic.  I tear up at anything baby or family related.

Purchases:  I couldn't resist ordering a couple of outfits from Old Navy that were on clearance.  They're gender neutral and will be perfect for next winter.  I also ordered two pairs of BabyLegs.  Cutest things ever.  Oh, and I did break down and order a pair of maternity yoga pants to lounge around the house is.  Guess I lied in the mat clothes category above.

Milestones:  Successfully made it through all of my appts with the RE... they spoiled the crap out of me.  I can't even describe how nice it was to be able to go in for weekly appts to see the little nugget and be reassured that everything's going smoothly.  I'm seriously going to miss that office.

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