Tuesday, May 1, 2012

15 weeks!

How far along?:  15 weeks!  Baby's the size of an apple.  Now let me bore you for a minute with a few u/s pics.  I have to show all of them from yesterday because I think they're hilarious.

BB faceplant?  Or plank?  haha

BB's waving!

I'm gestating an alien.

Total weight gain:  I'm refusing to look at the scale again.  I was at my OB's office yesterday and looked away as I was being measured.  I feel enormous.  That's enough for me.

Maternity Clothes?:  No, although I bought a new pair of maternity magic pants!  (That post to come later this week.)  And can I tell you?  Those pants are seriously comfortable.  I imagine it won't be long before I'm wearing them on the regular.

Showing?:  Belly is getting pointier and seems to be sticking out more.  Sigh.

Taken sometime last week, still looking much better in clothes.

Stretch Marks?:  Nope.

Sleep:  Meh.  Some nights I sleep like a rock, some I'm up 18 million times and can't get comfortable.

Best moment this week:  Seeing that Baby Bakmi was okay and thriving on a last minute ultrasound after a weekend full of spotting.  Can you say scary?

Movement:  Not yet.  But my OB confirmed that my placenta is posterior and is up high so I shouldn't have trouble feeling anything when BB when gets big enough!

Cravings:  Seem to be lessening.  I still eat pasta just about nightly though ;)

Aversions:  Meat.  I don't see this changing anytime soon.  Still.

Other Symptoms:  The nausea seems to be slowly subsiding (can I throw a party for this?!!) and I don't seem to be quite as tired.  Last week's headaches are also gone, so I'm thinking maybe they were stress induced, rather than pregnancy-related. The biggest thing I've noticed in the past week is the immense amount of pressure I feel in my lower abdomen.  I'm also having a fair amount of round ligament pain.  Apparently weeks 14-15 are big growth weeks so it makes sense.

Missing anything?:  Turkey subs.  Still.  I would possibly kill for deli meat right now.  This is by far my least favorite aspect of pregnancy.  Damn you, listeriosis.

Gender Prediction:  Nope.

Mood:  I'm definitely getting irritable.  I even annoy myself sometimes.

Purchases:  The aforementioned magic maternity pants and I have a shipment on the way from Old Navy with a pair of mat jeans and a couple of tops.

Milestones:  I'm drawing a blank.  Although just being to 15 weeks like a huge one.

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