Tuesday, June 19, 2012

22 weeks

How far along?:  22 weeks!  Baby's the size of a papaya.  And according to Baby Center, the length of a spaghetti squash.  These fruit/veggie comparisons seriously crack me up.

Total weight gain:  Unsure.  And I have no plans to step on a scale until my next appt on July 5.

Maternity Clothes?:  Let's just leave this at a big fat YES from here on out.

Weekly belly pic:

Please disregard the double chin, glasses and pout.  Last night was a rough one.

And here we are at a wedding on Saturday, at 21w5d.  I love that this (non-maternity) dress more or less completely covered the bump.  But can I just say?  Weddings aren't nearly as much fun sober.  And dancing with the bump was, um, interesting... felt like it was literally going to fall off.

Stretch Marks?:  Still haven't looked but I did find some (terrifying) cellulite on my thighs.  Sigh.  I guess I can only have it good for so long...

Sleep:  Sucks a fat one.  I've been waking up constantly and have been so uncomfortable.  After three nights of this crap I was finally so tired on Sunday that I managed to get a decent night's sleep but that ended again last night.  Let the cycle begin.

Best moment this week:  Celebrating husband's 32nd birthday with a trip to Philadelphia (that included tons of shopping and a 4 hour dinner at Le Bec Fin) and his first Father's Day :)  I got him a Diaper Dude diaper bag, 'cause you know, I didn't think he'd want to rock the orange striped Kate Spade while on baby duty ;)

I'm being a picture whore this week... here I am after Nick's birthday dinner.  LOVE this (again, non-maternity) dress :)

Movement:  More and more constant everyday.  I love love love it.  It's pretty much the coolest feeling in the world.  Nick felt the baby kick for the first time on Saturday which was neat, and I saw my belly move for the first time yesterday at 22 weeks exactly.  So surreal.

Cravings:  Still on the anything sugary and sweet kick.  I ate about a bajillion Italian pastries at the wedding on Saturday and did the same at a charity event last night.    

Aversions:  Gone!  

Other Symptoms:  Ugh, the tailbone pain has been killer this week.  The drive to Philly was pretty uncomfortable and sitting anywhere for any length of time is starting to get unbearable.  I've also noticed lately that my feet hurt pretty badly after standing or walking for even short periods of time.

Missing anything?:  Drinking.  Yes, I realize how this makes me sound.

Gender Prediction:  I'm starting to seriously think it's a boy.  Although I can't tell you why.

Mood:  Eh.  I've definitely been moody the past couple of days.  I had a moment yesterday while getting ready for the charity event where I just had to stop and scream.  Thank God I was home alone.  Although I shouldn't be surprised, I'm finding that EVERYTHING is harder while pregnant and I've turned into the world's biggest klutz.  After dropping the blowdryer, my comb, makeup brushes and struggling to get into my dress and get my shoes buckled I pretty much lost it.

Purchases:  Bought a few more maternity items last week.  Oh and also bought all new bras and underwear after waking up one morning to find that I grew out of everything I owned.  That was a fun little discovery.  Also bought a new bathing suit... non-maternity.  Hope nobody minds the beached whale floating around the pool this summer with her big shiny white belly sticking out ;)

Milestones:  Made it through a wedding pregnant.

Random Observation:  The belly touching has got to stop.  Seriously, what is it with people and pregnant bellies?!!  I don't mind it so much when it comes from close friends or family but I was touched by no fewer than 30 people over the course of the weekend.  I swear, I'm going to start rubbing their bellies right back.  And for the record, I've NEVER touched a pregnant person's belly.  Just not cool.  

1 comment:

  1. I am a belly toucher violator :)
    I am able to refrain but only while sober - LOL
    You looked great last night and it was good to see you!
