Tuesday, June 5, 2012


How far along?:  20 weeks!  We're officially halfway to the finish line!

Total weight gain:  I hate the scale at my OB's office.  At our anatomy scan yesterday, their scale had me up 19lbs.  That's just disgusting.  However, in my defense, I had a very full bladder, per their request to drink 32oz of water prior the ultrasound and it 2:30 in the afternoon so I'd already eaten breakfast, a snack, lunch and another snack.  I weighed myself at home this morning and was only up 16lbs according to my scale.  I suppose I can live with that.    

Maternity Clothes?:  Still love them and can still *sometimes* get away without them.  I'm finding that mat pants/jeans with a long tank tops under a light jacket or sweater is becoming my go-to outfit.  

Weekly belly pic:

 This was technically taken at 19 weeks but we happened to be at our photographer's house for Memorial Day so I took advantage and had him take our "half-baked" pic.


And because I'm obsessed with taking pictures of myself, here are a couple from this week.  Seriously need better light in my hallway.

Stretch Marks?:  Still unsure.

Sleep:  Is improving.  Most nights I'm only up to pee once or twice now.  Sweet, sweet relief. 

Best moment this week:  Definitely our 20 week anatomy scan which revealed a perfectly healthy baby who is measuring right on track.  Quad/NT scan results came back great, with very low risk for Down Syndrome, Trisomy 13 & 18 and no evidence of neural tube defects.  Yay for healthy baby!

Still looks like a little alien to me ;)

Such an adorable profile shot.  And the bent knee that's most likely getting ready to punt me in the bladder.

Also up there for best moment of the week was by best friend Krystyn's baby shower.  She's been through way more than any woman should have to go through to have a baby so to see her make it this far and be able to celebrate the fantastic little guy growing inside of her was fantastic.  Love her to pieces.  And since we're pregnant at the same time, we took some pretty cute best friend maternity pics at the shower which I hope to have back soon.

Movement:  I can finally say that what I've been feeling is without a doubt the kid moving and kicking.  It was confirmed at my appt yesterday that Baby Bakmi's feet are sitting super low, basically on top of my bladder (head in up near my belly button) which corresponds with where I've been feeling all of his/her taps for attention.

Cravings:  Chocolate.  There may or may not be a package of Fudge Fancies in my desk drawer right now ;)

Aversions:  Gone!

Other Symptoms:  Not much lately.  Heartburn has been kicking my ass daily but after popping a Zantac I'm fine.  My tailbone gets sore after long periods of sitting and the thigh numbness comes and goes but other than that, I can't really complain!  After the awful first trimester I had, it's so nice to be feeling like myself again.

Missing anything?:  Deli meat.  I'm having the hardest time coming up with things to eat for lunch.  The problem would be solved if I could just have a damn turkey sandwich!  

Gender Prediction:  For some reason I've been thinking boy lately.  No reason behind it, just keep referring to BB as "he".  And thankfully I wasn't tempted to peek at the u/s at our appt yesterday :)

Mood:  Good!  I've been pretty upbeat all week.

Purchases:  No purchases, but we got a pretty good start on our registry yesterday after the anatomy scan.  It was seriously fun walking around picking out baby stuff.  Although we admittedly had no clue what we were doing ;)

Milestones:  Half-baked!

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