Tuesday, July 10, 2012

25 weeks

How far along?:  25 weeks!  Bakmi's the size of a cauliflower?  Sure.

Total weight gain:  I had my monthly weigh-in at my 24 week appt last week.  It wasn't pretty.  According to the scale at my OB's office, I'm up a disgusting 25lbs. And once again, Dr. Negativity mentioned that my weight gain was only "okay". Thanks for making me feel like crap.  My initial goal going into this pregnancy thing was to keep the gain under 35lbs.  I'm not holding too much hope for that anymore, so I'm upping it to 40.  Sigh.

Maternity Clothes?:  I ordered what was hopefully my last round of maternity clothes last week.  I actually think I have enough.  And if you know me and fashion, you know that those words have NEVER been uttered from me before.  It kills me that I'll only be wearing these clothes for another few months though so I'm putting a kibosh on the spending.

Weekly belly pic:
Can we talk about the boobs for a second?  They are getting out.of.control.  Husband has been telling me this for weeks but I didn't believe him until I saw this picture.

Both taken at exactly 25 weeks, on my birthday :)  On the right is what I wore to work and on the left is what I wore out to dinner to celebrate.  Loving belts lately.  They make me feel more pregnant and less fat.  haha

Stretch Marks?:  Nope.  I'm starting to wonder if I'll make it all the way through unscathed... (I just jinxed myself, didn't I?)

Sleep:  Has gotten a little better although I think I'm nearing the 3rd trimester return of extreme exhaustion that I keep hearing about.  I can't seem to keep my eyes open past 10pm anymore and even after a fairly decent night's sleep of 8-9 hours I'm tired all day.

Best moment this week:  It's a tie between my 24 week appt where I got to hear little BB's heartbeat again and my weekend-long birthday celebration.

Movement:  Constant.  I don't think this kid EVER sleeps.  I'm starting to think that I should stop eating... literally the second I get some food in me s/he starts kicking up a storm.  Probably should at least stop eating every hour on the hour. You know, to give the kid a break ;)  

At my appt last week, while Dr. Negativity was listening to the kid's heartbeat, I managed to get a smile out of her.  Rather, baby did.  After about 5 seconds of the doppler being on my stomach, BB kicked so hard that the doppler literally jumped off of my stomach.  Then s/he did it again a few seconds later.  It was quite comical.  Dr. commented that I obviously have no problem feeling movement.  This is definitely one active babe.

And also?  Kid could totally hear/sense the fireworks on the fourth of July.  We watched them from a friend's rooftop a fair distance away but they were still loud and I felt constant movement throughout the 40 minute show.  Pretty neat.

Forgive me for the terribly grainy cell phone pics.

Cravings:  My sweet tooth is subsiding.  Slightly.  I managed to want ice cream two days in a row this week but surprised myself by not having to run out and get it.  The if-I-don't-eat-this-right-now-I-might-just-die cravings seem to be a thing of the past.  Although I've had trouble not stopping at every Panera I pass for an asiago cheese bagel.

Aversions:  Nada.

Other Symptoms:  Ugh, the back/leg/feet achiness is killing me lately.  Doesn't seem to matter how much or how little walking I do throughout the day... I'm so incredibly sore by the end of each day that I'm considering hiring an on-call masseuse.  If only I could afford one.  haha

Missing anything?:  Feeling like a normal human being.

Belly Button:  Seems to have stretched a bit more.  It's definitely more flat than it used to be and my maternity belly button ring is barely hanging in there.  Might have to order a longer one soon.

Gender Prediction:  No idea.  Some weeks I think girl, some I think boy.  Maybe it's a puppy.

Mood:  I was in a great mood for the past week but definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I think it's the exhaustion that's got me down.  I'm just tired of being tired.

Purchases:  Ordered my glider and ottoman on Saturday.  And I've gotta say, Babies R Us redeemed themselves with me a bit.  It was such a freaking ordeal trying to order this thing.  Before going in to actually make the purchase, I visited the store twice to try to figure out what to get and in which fabric, only to find out that the salespeople are CLUELESS and had no idea which fabrics went to which chair or if they were even available.  Long story short, the one I wanted was discontinued. Naturally.  And replaced with a newer model that looks identical but costs 20% more.  Story of my life.

In the end, however, BRU honored a 20% coupon I had and let me open a store card for an additional 10% off.  The discounts on top of the $100 gift card I received from a very generous client brought the price of the set down to $311.  I can live with that.

And in other nursery news, I'm almost finished with the dresser transformation.  Remember this?
After one heavy coat of primer, two coats of fantastically beautiful lime green paint and 6 coats of poly, it now looks like this:

Now the hunt for the perfect knobs begins.  I'm thinking glass or ceramic with black/white polka dots.  Anyone know where I can find such a thing?

Milestones:  Um.  Baby's finally putting on some fat?  Can I use that?  Oh wait.  I turned 32.  That's a milestone, right?  :)

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