Wednesday, July 18, 2012

26 weeks.

How far along?:  26 weeks!  Bakmi's the size of a head of lettuce.  With protruding feet and arms that constantly kick me where it doesn't feel good.

Total weight gain:  Who knows.  I'm probably up another handful of pounds since I can't seem to say no to ice cream.  I think I've stopped for soft serve three times in the past week.  Hey, I had a stressful week at work... so it was well deserved, right?  Right? 

Maternity Clothes?:  I lied last week when I said I was done with my maternity purchases.  I bought another (non-maternity but very stretchy/roomy) maxi dress yesterday and ordered a dress for a wedding and my shower and a skirt last night.  I couldn't resist.

Weekly belly pic:

Please ignore the hideously bad hair.

I'm kind of obsessed with my new hot pink shorts.  Funny thing is, I never wore this much color not pregnant... I don't know what makes me feel so adventurous now but I like it :)  Shirt on the right is non-maternity... although I think I need to retire it.  It was definitely stretched to the max that day.

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.

Sleep:  Is like a cruel joke.  The past few nights have been AWFUL.  I can't even count how many times I'm up to pee or (attempt to) roll over.  And please don't tell me "your body is just preparing itself for wakeful nights with baby".  That's bullshit.  I need sleep now.  A woman who works in my building so kindly told me yesterday that I look exhausted.  I knew it was starting to catch up with my appearance but I was hoping that makeup and (small amounts of) caffeine were doing enough to hide it.  Guess not.  And also?  What's up with the fact that whichever arm I'm laying on is asleep each time I wake up?  I'm starting to get a little concerned about my blood circulation.

Best moment this week:  Our crib and crib mattress were delivered :)  Too bad they'll be remaining unassembled in the boxes til most likely October.

Movement:  This kid never sleeps.  And the kicks are getting so much stronger.  A couple of them have completely caught me off guard and made me jump.  It's pretty humorous.  I've also found myself just staring at my belly lately, waiting to see it twitch.

Cravings:  Ice cream?  I blame the heat.  Oh, and seafood salad from the Fresh Market.  SO good.  I've gone through 2lbs of it in the past week and a half.

Aversions:  Nada.

Other Symptoms:  Back/hip/side pain.  It's almost excruciating at times.  I will definitely be making an appt for a prenatal massage in the near future.  I'm tired of hurting all the time.

Missing anything?:  I'm gonna stick with last week's response:  Feeling like a normal human being.

Belly Button:  Definitely flattening out more and more.  Fingers crossed that I don't have to remove my piercing.

Gender Prediction:  I've been told girl by a couple of people recently.  Because I'm wide.  Gee, thanks.

Mood:  Pretty good.  Just starting to get stressed about having everything done in time.

Purchases:  Other than the few pieces of maternity clothing, I did a bit of shopping for the nursery last week.

Aren't these adorable?  I bought the frames and created the dachshund artwork myself.  Inspired by Miles and Bella, of course :)  I should disclose that I'm really not that creative.  I "borrowed" the idea and layout from and recreated them on Paint.  I love the way they turned out and plan to hang them above the dresser/changing table.

Milestones:  One more week of 2nd tri.  Time is seriously flying.

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