Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Let's go shopping!

So. Since I recently whined (wined? haha) and moaned over how my excessive spending and love of nice things has affected our finances, I thought I'd at least show you some of my holiday treasures.

If I haven't told you yet, I have a serious obsession with shoes. (And it just dawned on me that I haven't shown you a picture of the WEDDING SHOES yet. They deserve all caps because they're just so fabulous. Future post...)

Anyway... I ordered these sexy little heels from my favorite online shoe store, endless.com. If you haven't visited, go now. Or wait 'til you're done reading. But don't forget. Thousands upon thousands of shoes and free overnight shipping!!

Back to the shoes...

I'll admit, they were a total impulse purchase. I love the style and have been looking for a pair like this, but didn't want to spend an arm and a leg. I came across these for something ridiculous like 30ish bucks and figured the color was perfect for spring/summer dresses.

Then they came in. They don't buckle. They... gasp... velcro. I don't know how I missed it in the picture. Think you'd notice if I hadn't told you? I took opinions from the female family members on Christmas day and they didn't think they were horrible. I still can't decide whether or not to return them.

Lest we forget, I'm all about image, people. C'mon! I don't know if I can be caught in public wearing velcro shoes. 'Cause I know I'd laugh at you if you were wearing them. Kidding. Maybe ;)

The real reason for the trip to endless.com was to find an inexpensive pair of over-the-knee boots. The way I see it, these puppies are all the rage right now but will be completely out of style next year. I'm not one to waste money on trends, so spending a mere $60 seemed okay in my book.

And they're gorgeous. Great with leggings. Perfect with skinny jeans. And hopefully even more perfect with:

My New Year's Eve dress! Well, what I hope to be my New Year's Eve dress. It's on it's way from bebe as we speak.

With my luck, it won't fit. I never said positivity was a strong point...

As you may recall, I am quickly growing addicted to big, fancy earrings. I ordered these from Arden B, my favorite store in the whole world. Except I ordered them in gold. Much prettier. And would've been perfect with my new dress. I went back online to find out that the gold were sold out, so I thought I'd give silver a try. They're too gorgeous to not at least take them for a test-run.

After wearing them for about an hour and a half, my decision was made.

They're going back.

These are seriously the heaviest things my ears have had the unfortunate experience of meeting. I honestly thought they were going to rip right through my holes. Thank me later for putting that image in your head.

Now I want to go shopping again. I can't win.

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