Friday, April 23, 2010

I knew it.

Hi, my name is Carolyn and I'm a cereal-aholic.

I seriously LOVE cereal. Can't get enough.

The thing is, I don't eat it for breakfast. Ever.

I eat if for dessert. Almost every night.

And if I'm out of milk? I eat it dry. That's dedication, people.

I've taken a lot of crap over the years for this habit of mine. Apparently it's "weird" to eat a breakfast food for dessert. Screw you haters, I now have proof that I'm perfectly normal ;)

While reading an article from "Eat This, Not That" today, I came across this little paragraph:

"That said, [cereal] can make decent desserts. One study published by the American College of Nutrition found that among late-night snackers, those who chose cereal took in fewer calories than those who made other choices, and ultimately they wound up losing nearly half a pound of body fat per week. That doesn’t mean you should switch to an all-cereal diet, just that cereal is a better evening snack than you might think."

Look at that! Cereal is helping me get skinny. The American College of Nutrition said so.

How nice of them to stroke my ego. I always knew I was better off eating a giant bowl of cereal than a piece of cake. Or box of Girl Scout cookies. Or bag of jelly beans. Now if only I could limit my portion to the amount recommended on the box, we'd be in good shape. ha

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week in review.

So apparently I'm not the super fantastic blogger I strive to be. Sorry to disappoint. I know it's hard to let a week go by without reading about my awesomely fabulous life.

Per usual, I've been busy.

I am super important. Remember?

Since I really have nothing exciting to ramble about today, here are some of the things I've been doing lately. Don't get too excited.

David Gray.

If you have don't know who he is, go to the store now and buy his albums. Do people even do that anymore? Or is it all about iTunes? I wouldn't know. I haven't bought a CD or a song in years. But seriously. David Gray. AMAZING. This was my third time seeing him in concert. Even the plague couldn't keep me away.


Let me rephrase. I was at a fundraiser but did not fundraise. No, I take it back. I helped to raise $2,500 by parading around the room modeling a gorgeous antique ring that was up for auction. Really should've gotten a manicure before the event.

The fundraiser was a dinner/silent auction/live auction to benefit the husband's father's foundation that sends Indonesian students to culinary school. Hence the Indonesian fans pictured above. Please ignore the fact that I have 14 chins and focus on my lovely friend Jillian.

Chicks dig me.

At the above mentioned event, I was... gasp... hit on by a la-dy. I wish I could recall the details but I was slightly (and by slightly I mean greatly) intoxicated at this point in the evening. I was flattered but politely informed her that I don't swing that way. Anymore.

Now your wheels are turning, right? ;)

I kid. I kid!!

Somebody stop me.

I CANNOT continue to think I can party like a rockstar. Two day long hangovers are not my friend, no matter how many times they try to come around and visit.

After above event (this was a long day...) we went home with the bright idea to drink more! SMRT, we are! The husband's bff and his date came back to the house with us. Damn you, peer pressure! I probably would've been a good girl and gone straight to bed if we didn't have house guests. But then I wouldn't have been a proper hostess, right?

We stayed up way too late and drank way too much. When I awoke for work in the morning, I decided against showering and went to work with the ever-stylish "last night's hair and makeup" look. I think I'm starting a new trend with this one. You should try it. It really takes no effort at all. I also awoke to find pizza boxes on my kitchen counter. Oy. It was one of those nights. Damn fourth meal! I didn't even remember eating you!

The fancy car!

The husband is out of town today til Sunday so I get to drive his shiny new car. Yay! At least I get something in exchange for being on my own all week, right? He's on his way to DC for lots of fabulous eating and drinking, then headed to NYC for a boys' weekend. Should I be scared? Probably.

The pups.

My little munchie-faces have cost me a ridiculous amount of money lately. We've been to the vet far too many times in the last few months. So to make them feel better, I set them up with a nice little photo-shoot. It only took about 18,000 tries to get a good one. And I know they enjoyed every minute of it.

Think Miles is trying to tell me something? (Probably something along the lines of "please get rid of this pestering Bella creature")

Because this is quite possibly the cutest picture of two dachshunds EVER, I thought I'd submit it to one of my favorite blogs, Friday Puppy. You see, every Friday, cute pups from all over get the shot at becoming famous. Hence the name, Friday Puppy. Too bad they haven't picked my mine yet. Sorry M & B, guess they're not feeling the love.


Blech. Seriously, can somebody rig the lottery to make my numbers hit? Please? I'll give you a cookie!

It's not really that bad. I just like to complain, but you already knew that. My position is actually growing, giving me more responsibility, more hours at the office (woo hoo!) and (hopefully) eventually a pay raise. That being said, I'm truly looking forward to the opportunity. Being a commissioned salesperson since literally the day I graduated college, having a salaried position is nice for a change. 'Cause, you know, I kinda like money.

Of course I'm still out there selling houses too. That's my true love. So please buy one from me. Mama needs a new, um, landscape.

Speaking of...

The neighborhood eyesore.

Otherwise known as My Yard. Our yard is so embarassingly desperate for a makeover that I submitted pictures of it to the Today Show's America's Most Desperate Landscape contest.

Don't be a hater. I know you're jealous of our hot little house. Doesn't every kid grow up dreaming of a barn-red house with a dingy stone facade, dead trees and zero curb appeal? If that's true, we really scored with this one!

And here we have what was formerly a lovingly cared for garden. Of weeds. A few flowers have begun to sprout and I can't wait to rip them out. (Random recycling bin thrown in the yard and ladder leaning on the side of the house for your viewing pleasure. I know, you're thinking, "Gawd, could they be anymore WT?!")

Now this is hands-down the BEST part of the yard. Who wouldn't love an old chicken wire fence that's held up by tree stumps. Fence posts are too good for this beauty! And the trees must really be enamored with it because they've actually started to grow their bark around the fence in a sweet embrace. This is one love affair I'm not sure I can break up.

God I hope we win this contest.



Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I think I caught the plague.

I haven't felt much like blogging lately. I blame the incessant snot/phlegm takeover that's currently happening in my body. This has been a BAD winter for illness. I'm like a germ incubator. Husband says it's because I don't take enough any vitamins and have a love affair with hand-sanitizer.

Apparently this makes my immune system deficient.

I'm starting to think he's right. (I'm never gonna hear the end of that statement)

I started the winter off with a fantastic case of stomach flu. I followed that up with a cold so bad that I thought I had a double ear-infection and strep throat. Nope, just your run-of-the-mill-three-week-lasting-annoying-want-to-run-myself-over-with-a-truck cold.

Then I had a whole 5 days of normalcy. Hot damn! Then bam. Another f-ing cold. That I'm currently battling.

I'm going to war with this one though. It almost ruined my much-anticipated David Gray concert last night. Fuck with Easter all you want, cold. I don't mind hacking my way through Mass and pouring enough wine down my throat at dinner to stifle you temporarily. But leave me feeling like such crap that I have to leave work early to force myself to nap in order to be able to keep my eyes open through Mr. Gray's show?

Not cool.

There was no way I was missing the concert. I feel sorry for the people who had the unfortunate luck of sitting in front of me. Just because my voice sounded like crap didn't stop me from screaming my brains out to "Please Forgive Me" and "You're the One I Love". Take that, cold. Hope you enjoy your slow death by DayQuil.

Now please excuse me while I go sneeze on my coworkers.

Eh, maybe next time.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My witching hour.

I really don't know what "witching hour" means. But that's the thought that pops into my head when I wake up EVERY. FREAKING. NIGHT at the same time.

I wish I was kidding. I wake up every night somewhere between 4:00 and 4:15am. 4:12 is precisely the time I woke up this morning.

To pee.

My body must hate me. Or maybe it's the constant waterfall of wine I continually pour down my throat.

I think we've already discussed that I'm a horrible sleeper. Or maybe we haven't. The lack of sleep seems to be messing with my memory today. I suffer from random bouts of insomnia.


And on nights after I drink, I suffer from alcohol-insomnia. Self-diagnosed. I should've been a doctor. I'll drift off into weird-dream-land then wake up at

to pee.

Then I can't fall back asleep.

You'd think I'd learn my lesson and not drink.


So I deal with not sleeping by being a crabby bitch the next day. Poor husband.

But seriously, I'd like to know what kind of anti-sleep-fairy is f-ing with me... why the hell do I wake up at the same time EVERY. FREAKING. NIGHT?????

Oh, that's right. To pee. The first time. The second time is usually around 7:30, right before my alarm goes off. Isn't that the MOST annoying thing in the world? I have problems. Seriously. Does anyone else pee this much in the middle of the night? I mean, besides pretty pregnant ladies, of course.

Holy hell, how many times am I gonna get up when I'm actually knocked up? Oy. I better install a commode next to my bed.


Being that today is April 1st, now is where I wish I could tell you that this post was all a really bad April Fool's joke*. No dice. I actually just wrote an entire post about my middle of the night peeing habits. ha! Kinda makes me laugh. Like I said before, I have problems.

*April 1st is my absolute least favorite day of the year. I am probably one of the most gullible people you'll ever meet and will believe just about anything you tell me. The Husband could come home tonight and tell me he's leaving with the dogs** and I'd probably believe him, not for a second thinking it was a cruel April Fool's Day joke.

**Please don't, Husband. I kinda like you. And the dogs. And I'm totally NOT a good sport about a prank that might cause panic and embarassment. I really do have problems.