I haven't felt much like blogging lately. I blame the incessant snot/phlegm takeover that's currently happening in my body. This has been a BAD winter for illness. I'm like a germ incubator. Husband says it's because I don't take enough any vitamins and have a love affair with hand-sanitizer.

Apparently this makes my immune system deficient.
I'm starting to think he's right. (I'm never gonna hear the end of that statement)
I started the winter off with a fantastic case of stomach flu. I followed that up with a cold so bad that I thought I had a double ear-infection and strep throat. Nope, just your run-of-the-mill-three-week-lasting-annoying-want-to-run-myself-over-with-a-truck cold.
Then I had a whole 5 days of normalcy. Hot damn! Then bam. Another f-ing cold. That I'm currently battling.
I'm going to war with this one though. It almost ruined my much-anticipated David Gray concert last night. Fuck with Easter all you want, cold. I don't mind hacking my way through Mass and pouring enough wine down my throat at dinner to stifle you temporarily. But leave me feeling like such crap that I have to leave work early to force myself to nap in order to be able to keep my eyes open through Mr. Gray's show?
Not cool.
There was no way I was missing the concert. I feel sorry for the people who had the unfortunate luck of sitting in front of me. Just because my voice sounded like crap didn't stop me from screaming my brains out to "Please Forgive Me" and "You're the One I Love". Take that, cold. Hope you enjoy your slow death by DayQuil.
Now please excuse me while I go sneeze on my coworkers.

Eh, maybe next time.
I never use hand sanitizer. I rarely wash my hands. (Yeah, whatever.) I set food directly on the tables that are in my department at work then I eat this food. These tables, to my knowledge, have not been washed in my 3 years of employment there. I chew on hangers at clothing stores while waiting for people to try on clothes.
I am probably the grossest person you know.
I almost never get sick. Take that. :P
I thought of you last night. I was sending a text and dropped the phone into a vat of Helluva Good French Onion Dip. What would a normal person do? Probably get up and wipe the phone off with a paper towel.
What would Adrienne do? Lick the phone clean. Tasty cell phone.
I was like "what the hell does this have to do with anything??" Ah. Germs.
One question though. How did you manage to drop your phone in the dip? Did you mistake it for a chip? ;)
hee hee
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