Thursday, July 29, 2010


Kinda can't believe I'm doing this.

But I'm proud of myself.

6 weeks of Boot Camp Challenge, running and healthy eating actually worked! Imagine that!

So to completely embarrass myself, I'm putting my before and after pictures out there for the world to see. Maybe it'll keep me accountable. There's no way in hell I'm going back to the way I looked before. I didn't realize I had a back roll until I saw the picture. How do you miss an entire, foldy, pudgy backroll?? Seriously.

Today was the last day of boot camp for a few weeks. We tested and were measured, the same as we were on day 1. I knew I'd improved my endurance and strength and I lost about 5% of my weight but I had no idea I'd improved this much. I lost a total of 5.75 inches. Amazing. And I really increased my strength and endurance.

And just so you don't think I'm making all this up, here are my stats:

Measurements: (first number listed is from 6/19/10, second is from today, 7/29/10)

  • weight: 145 - 138.5 (first time under 140 in over 3 years... YAY!!!!!)
  • bicep: 11.25" - 10.5"
  • chest: 36.75" - 36" (At first I thought my boobs were shrinking... then I realized it was actually the back fat!!)
  • waist: 30" - 28.5" (Only an inch and a half, but I'm completely out of my tens and almost back into sixes!)
  • hips: 39" - 37.25"
  • thigh: 21" - 20" (They do, however, still touch in the middle. Ick.)


  • mile run: 8:52 - 7:57 (7:57?!! That's faster than I ran during track in high school. This surprised the hell out of me.)
  • 2 minutes of full sit-ups: 43 - 59 (Abs of steel, baby, abs of steel)
  • 2 minutes of push-ups: 9 - 16 (I seriously suck at push ups)

Not so bad, huh? I was pretty impressed with myself. Feeling a bit smug today ;)

Stats aside, I feel so much healthier. I have more energy and I'm happier. I ran most of the days in between boot camp classes and am consistently running 10 minute miles and I'm up to about 3.5 miles per run. Not to mention that I don't drink as much wine (GASP!) so when I do, I get drunk pretty much immediately. Bonus! haha

Seriously though, I'm so glad I did this. It's such a motivation to see results. Classes start again in 3 weeks and I can't wait!

Now here's what you've been waiting for. Prepare yourselves. I wasn't lying about the back fat.

(Befores on the left, afters on the right.)

So there you have it.

And just so no one gets the wrong idea, 'cause we all know I put way too much emphasis on what others think about me, I didn't post this to brag. I'm seriously proud of myself. I worked my ASS off over the past 6 weeks and it paid off.

Now for a relaxing weekend away in Montreal. Here's hoping I don't gain all the weight back ;)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Remember that little post-script...

that went something like this? (From this post)

PS... My lovely mommy called me from the 'lou at exactly 10:38am, New York time (my birth minute!) to wish me a happy birthday. Made my day :)

Well. I never thought I'd say this.

My lovely mommy is a LIAR!!!

In the nicest way, of course.

I present to you, Exhibit A:

If I didn't know any better, I'd say that this looks like me and my parents. At my 30th birthday party. In New York. While they were supposed to be in the 'lou. Because they TOLD me that they were still in the 'lou.

Husband pulled a good one on me. I have seriously never been more surprised in my life.

Here's the short version:

A week or so before my birthday, husband starts asking what I want to do on the night of my birthday (Friday, the night before the party).

Me: "Nothing"

I'm a die hard boot-camper now, remember? I wanted to be a good thirty year old and start my new decade off with a healthy dinner and good night's rest to prep for boot camp the following morning.

Husband insisted, so I caved. Then he insisted that we do dinner early, like 6:00 early. Weird. Then he insisted on leaving the restaurant to come home and pick me up.

Me: "No, it's okay, I can drive, I'm not drinking."

Him: "Well maybe I want to get hammered. Then you can drive me home."

Whatever. I'm an agreeable sort.

Fast forward to Friday, 5:45pm. Husband arrives at the house, on time, scoops me up and off we go. He took the strangest route there and mid-trip made a hasty stop at a gas station to put a whole $5 into the tank. In the 3 1/2 years I've known my husband, I've never seen him NOT fill up at a gas station. Still not catching on, we carry on with our trip. Then when we get to about a block of our destination, he calls the restaurant. I remember asking him why the hell he was calling when we'd literally be there in 30 seconds, but I still didn't think anything was up.

Then we get there. In we walk, per usual, and he stops in front of his office door, which was closed, per, um, not usual. I thought he locked himself out or something or closed it because of a rash of employee thievery. Yes, this is how my mind works.

Anyway, when he finally opens the door, I see my parents standing there. I honestly don't think I've ever been speechless in my life but I definitely was then. I vaguely recall spitting out an exaggerated "You're here!???" and crying. Husband said the look on my face was priceless.

Ah. Now all of the continual insistence on dinner plans that night made sense. As did the phone call to the restaurant (to warn them) and the gas thing (he was so anxious he didn't want to waste time filling the tank).

It turns out that my loved ones had been conspiring for months. My poor mother. She's never lied to me so much before. I think that seriously every phone conversation we had over the past 6 months included lots of guilt-trippy "you really should come to my party, I only turn 30 once". Not sure how they kept it in for so long...

What can I say. They got me.

More on the most fabulous birthday weekend ever at a later date :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

The reason for my absense.

I'm sure the 5 of you who read my blog were desperately wishing for more posts during my hiatus. A girl can dream, right?

The reason behind my slacking?

Simple. I've been busy.

I know, I know, that's a lame excuse.

But seriously, it's the truth.

About 2 months ago I found myself in a bad place, work-wise. I enjoyed the company I worked for and loved the people I worked with but I just wasn't happy anymore. So after scouring the want-ads for a week or so to no avail, the lightbulb went off. I can go back to Nikki! i.e. Hart Real Estate, the company I started with when I moved back to NY.

I was never unhappy working for Hart and Nikki and I had remained friends after I so abruptly left her, so I approached her and was welcomed back with open arms. Seriously, why the hell did I leave in the first place???

I've been back at Hart for about a month now and I AM SO HAPPY. At Trinity, my job duties really started to fall away from the real estate part of it that I love so much. Since the day I returned to Hart, I've been immersed back in it, showing and listing houses and having contact with clients almost daily. It's been amazing.

And my stress is GONE.

There's definitely a truth to the saying "money isn't everything". I definitely took a pay cut to come back to Hart, but you know what? Totally worth it.

So you're probably thinking, "ok, so she changed jobs, that's not all that time consuming", right? In this case though, it has been. I'm still filling in at Trinity a day or two a week, which is totally draining, but they pay me, so why not? Right? Aside from the extra at-work hours, I've jumped full force into my Boot Camp Challenge class.

I feel like all I do lately is eat, sleep, workout and work. But I couldn't be happier. Go figure.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Wow. I'm a slacker. And I'm old!

So. I'm back. Let's see how long it lasts.

I thought today was a fitting day to rejoin the blog-world as it is... GASP... my 30th birthday!


Seriously though, I'm so looking forward to my 30s. I finally feel settled in life. I know who I am, I'm happy with who I am and I love everything about my life. I truly haven't been this happy in ages. For appearances though, I've been doing the whole "woe-is-me-I'm-turning-old" thing for a week or so. 'Cause you know, I like attention ;)

Onto the good stuff. Presents and parties!!

Last year, on the day of my 29th birthday, the Husband began planning my 30th birthday party. Long story short, I've been left out of the "birthday party" crowd since I was little. To make up for the fact that I haven't had a party thrown in honor of my bday in my entire adult life, he set out to throw the awesomest (yes, I made that up) party ever.

So tomorrow night we are having a fabulous 80s costume bash! Can't really think of a more appropriate theme, since you know, I was born in 1980. I'll be making an appearance as Debbie Gibson. Pictures to follow.*

Husband gave me my gift last night. Love how excited he was watching me open it. And I love how I excited I got when I saw what it was!!! See for yourself and get excited with me!!
Sorry for the totally blurry picture... if my damn crackberry would function as it should, I would have a lovely picture of the actual pair of Christian Louboutin black patent leather 5" platform stillettos that are currently residing in my living room.

Did you catch that?

Yes, I said Christian Louboutins. Eat your heart out Meredith Vieira.

Manolos? check

Louboutins? check

Life is good.

PS... My lovely mommy called me from the 'lou at exactly 10:38am, New York time (my birth minute!) to wish me a happy birthday. Made my day :)

*If I ever remember to blog again ;)