Tuesday, April 10, 2012

12 weeks!

 How far along?:  12 weeks!  Below is a terribly scanned copy of last week's u/s.  But isn't s/he cute?

Total weight gain:  No clue.  They weighed me at my appt last week but I refused to look and the nurse that she better not read the number out loud ;)

Maternity Clothes?:  No, but the Belly Band has been my best friend this week.

Stretch Marks?:  I'm going with no but I actually haven't looked.

Sleep:  Is all I know how to do anymore.  I slept for 13 hours Saturday night.  It was glorious.  Now if only I would stop waking every two hours to pee...

Best moment this week:  My first appt with my OB was last Monday at 10w5d but after baby measured 2 days ahead again they moved my due date up to Oct 22 and deemed me 11 weeks!  I'll take it :)  Oh, and we also outed ourselves on facebook.  That was quite the lovely moment.  Between husband and myself we had almost 700 "likes" and over 200 comments.  Fun!

Cravings:  Crunch Berries cereal.  I'm on my second box in a week.  Other than that my eating's been okay.  I'm still overdoing it in the carb department but my appetite has been getting back to normal.  One night I was actually able to eat a healthy meal of tofu, broccoli and brown rice.  Go me!

Aversions:  Are getting better but I still can't go near chicken or much other meat for that matter.

Other Symptoms:  My nausea has improved to every other day instead of all day every day.  But the "on" days seem worse than they had been.  My boobs are still killing me and I pee all.the.time.  And have I mentioned the exhaustion?  Sheer, utter exhaustion.  Cannot wait to have some energy back.  I also feel the need to hold my stomach when I walk lately.  It feels like my muscles are trying to stretch through my skin.  Which I guess they kind of are.  haha

Missing anything?:  I miss people looking me in the eye when they greet me.  Instead they scan right to my belly.  Annoying.

Showing?:  Eh.  You decide.

Gender Prediction:  I have no inkling one way or the other.  My SIL told me that she bought me girl stuff the other day though, so I HAVE to have a girl ;)

Mood:  Pretty good but I've definitely been weepy lately.  Everything makes me tear up.

Purchases:  Nothing recently but we did find the crib we want!  Just need to order it :)

Milestones:  12 weeks feels like a huge milestone!  And telling the world made it seem all the more real.

Obligatory Belly Pic:  It looks like a bump but I seriously just think it's fat.  I feel like it's still too early for legitimate bump.  Or not.  Who knows.

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