Wednesday, April 11, 2012

In which I prove the old wives' tales correct.

I despise old wives' tales.  Especially pregnancy-related ones.  For instance:

"Just relax and it'll happen"
"Spend some time with a baby and just soak him up" (what, like babies have magic cooties or something?)

Welp.  It happened.  I stepped one foot inside of a fertility clinic, set a plan in motion, quit worrying so much and (magically?) got pregnant.  And in January I spent the better part of a week rubbing my brand new nephew all over me.  Well, not really rubbing...

My mom and sister-in-law are convinced this is why I'm currently in a knocked-up state.

Me?  Meh.  I'm not a believer, but it happened.  Maybe those old wives knew what they were talking about.

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