Tuesday, April 17, 2012

13 weeks

How far along?:  13 weeks!  Holy shit, I'm 3 days from the second trimester.  Now I'm just waiting for that supposed burst of energy everyone keeps talking about.

Isn't s/he cute?  :)

Total weight gain:  Still no idea.  I, again, told the nurse at my appt this morning that I didn't want to know.  I'm seriously gonna try and hold out... I think knowing how much I've gained will only make me obsess about it more.  My doctor told me that my weight gain is fine so I'm just gonna go with that :)

Maternity Clothes?:  No, but I'm still unbuttoning my pants mid-day.

Showing?:  Eh, I think it's still just fat.

Ugh.  Fat belly.  Really need to slow the carb-fest down.

Taken the same day.  I look much better with clothes.  And still fairly normal.

Stretch Marks?:  Don't think so.

Sleep:  Has been evading me this week.  I'm still beyond exhausted but the insomnia has set in.  I lay there for hours and can't seem to get comfortable.  And when I do fall asleep I wake up what seems like every five minutes.  Doesn't help that I'm still getting up to pee 3-6 times a night either.  And I've actually ended up on the couch the past three nights because I've found it to be more comfortable than my bed, which is strange because we seriously have the most comfy bed known to man.  Really hope my body starts realizing that sleep is going to come at a premium in 6 months and I need to get all I can NOW.

Best moment this week:  We had our NT scan this morning and it couldn't have gone better.  NT measurement was 1.6, well within the safe zone.  I was so nervous about this for some reason and even dreamed last night that the number came back at 6.2.  Thankfully my dream was severely inaccurate.  During the scan, the tech needed a profile view to get the measurement but baby was quite uncooperative... s/he kept rolling on it's side and showing us it's backside.  I loved seeing all that movement!  Baby measured at 7.3cm today... the average 13 week old measures 6.7cm.  Apparently I'm going to have a mammoth baby.

Movement:  None yet... it's crazy to think that all that flipping and flopping we saw on the ultrasound goes completely unnoticed by me.  I can't wait til I can actually feel it.

Cravings:  Chocolate.  Which is strange because I've never been a chocolate person... I prefer vanilla or fruit over just about any type of chocolate.  It doesn't help that it's Easter season and delicious chocolate bunnies are everywhere ;)  And I REALLY want a turkey sub.  I cannot stand the no deli meat rule of pregnancy.  I told Nick that he'll be bringing me an enormous turkey sub from our favorite Italian deli immediately after delivery.  Ooh, and salad... I can't get enough.  Specifically the pear, pecan and blue cheese (sub feta since I can't have blue) salad from the restaurant.  I had it three nights in a row last week.  And iced tea.  Dunkin Donuts is killing me with their "any size for 99 cents" promotion.

Aversions:  Meat.  Someone mentioned meatloaf the other day and I almost lost it.

Other Symptoms:  The heartburn has brutal this week.  I also feel quite a bit of pressure in my lower abdomen.  I keep joking that it feels like my uterus is going to fall out ;)

Missing anything?:  Turkey subs.

Gender Prediction:  I keep referring to the baby as "he" but I think that's just out of convenience.

Mood:  Still really weepy.

Purchases:  Haven't bought anything lately.  I told Nick that I want to do something fun and baby-related this weekend so maybe we'll head to Babies R Us and start the overwhelming registry process.

Milestones:  Successfully made it through the first trimester!

Random:  The baby is now being referred to as Baby Bakmi.  Nick's been trying to call him/her Blue Ivy, after Beyonce and JayZ's kid but I can't stand it.  Not sure why it bothers me so much but it does.  I guess I want our tiny to have it's own identity.  And last night at a fundraiser at the restaurant, one of our friends said something about trying to come up with an Italian/Indonesian name for the baby.  Thus, Baby Bakmi (an Indonesian noodle dish that's extremely popular at the restaurant) was born :)

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