Tuesday, May 8, 2012

16 weeks!

How far along?:  16 weeks!  Baby's the size of an avocado.

Total weight gain:  Ugh, I broke down and looked at the scale at my appt yesterday.  I have to say though, I really don't believe the scale at my OB's office.  They had me up 13 pounds.  Yes, 13.  That's absolutely ridiculous.  I seriously think I would feel a lot worse (heavier?) if that was really the case.  And the nurse who weighed me rounded UP a half pound.  I said, "um, can't you round down to compensate for the clothes, hat and shoes?"  She said they're not allowed to do that.  I think that would've removed 3ish pounds right there.  And my OB felt the need to guilt-trip me by saying my weight was only "okay" during my appt.  Way to make me feel like crap when I know that weight gain is inevitable.  Can you tell that this is bothering me?  And will probably become an obsession?  Seriously should've stuck to my guns and continued to avoid peeking at the scale.  Sigh.

Maternity Clothes?:  Yes!  And can I tell you?  Best. Pants. Ever.  I found THE most comfortable pair of Mavi maternity jeans and a great pair of leggings over the weekend.  I haven't been this comfortable in weeks.  Still in my regular tops.

Showing?:  Still getting pointier.  And this week marks the end of the bare belly shots.  It was just getting gross.

Stretch Marks?:  Nope.

Sleep:  Hit or miss.  I'm still exhausted but can't seem to get comfortable enough in bed to sleep well.  The couch is slowly becoming by best friend.

Best moment this week:  Hearing BB's heartbeat at my appt yesterday (was in the 150s).  And maternity clothes shopping with Husband.

Movement:  Maybe?  I've been feeling this odd sensation but I'm not sure if it's BB or if it's my muscle/ligaments stretching.  I've noticed it for the past couple of days and at times it feels like something is swimming in there.

Cravings:  Really none.  Sadly, almost nothing sounds good to eat anymore.

Aversions:  The ongoing meat aversions continue.  And sadly, I may have a new aversion to (gasp!) fettucini alfredo :(  We went out for dinner Sunday night and I had the most amazing pasta that unfortunately didn't like me as much as I liked it.  I woke up at 3 in the morning and um, lost it all.

Other Symptoms:  Lots of stretching/pulling in my lower abdomen.  And can we talk about the acne for a minute?  I feel like I'm 14 again.  It's so bad that I'm considering getting a back facial.  I managed to get it under control on my face, thank God, but my back is BAD.  Twice daily scrubbing and salicylic acid haven't done a damn thing.  And naturally, they're not little tiny pimples.  They're those huge, nasty, bright red, painful zits.  I'm gonna look awesome in tank tops this summer ;)

Missing anything?:  Working out.  I'm really starting to feel flabby.

Gender Prediction:  Nope.

Mood:  Oh, the irritability.  I feel sorry for those around me sometimes.

Purchases:  Maternity clothes!

Milestones:  Little Baby Bakmi can now hear us.  Better clean up our language ;)

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