Tuesday, May 15, 2012

17 weeks!

How far along?:  17 weeks!  Baby's the size of an onion.

Total weight gain:  Haven't weighed since my last appt and I don't plan to til I go back to the doctor at 20 weeks.

Maternity Clothes?:  Still just pants.  Oh and a couple of dresses.  I wore a maternity dress on Mother's Day and a maternity maxi dress (that I got about a zillion compliments on) yesterday.  I think I will be living in maxi dresses this summer.  SO comfortable.

Showing?:  There's no denying it anymore.

Stretch Marks?:  Nope.

Sleep:  Sucks.  The exhaustion has subsided, thankfully, but I'm back to my old "tired in the evening but can't fall asleep when I'm ready for bed" routine.  Then when I finally do fall asleep I wake up WIDE AWAKE in the middle of the night and am up for hours.  Literally.  Last night I did a little house cleaning at 5 in the morning before going back to bed at 7.

Best moment this week:  Celebrating my first Mother's Day!  Post to follow.

Movement:  I'm pretty sure what I've been feeling is definitely movement.  I doubted it for days but last night and this morning it was pretty strong.  It's not the "fluttering" that everyone talks about... more of a slight tap/punch and just the feeling that something's moving around in there.

Cravings:  Salad.

Aversions:  The ongoing meat aversions continue.

Other Symptoms:  The heartburn seems to be worsening by the day.  Doesn't matter what I eat.  My hips have been absolutely KILLING me lately.  I wake up with whichever I was laying on literally throbbing.  I hope to God that my hips don't widen and never go back.  I don't want to be a wide person.  haha.  I'm also still struggling with the back-ne.  I went to my dermatologist yesterday and got a prescription for some sort of antiseptic pad and was told to use only Dial soap.  We'll see if this works.  He also told me that of the so-called acne grading scale of 1 to 4, with one being the most mild of cases, I'm a one.  Um, seriously?  I can't imagine my back being any worse than it is now.  He said he can tell I've never had to deal with acne problems because of how bad I was freaking out about my grade 1 blemishes.  ha.

Missing anything?:  Alcohol.  Although I did have a small glass of Torrontes at dinner on Mother's Day, I missed being able to sit in the sun while at The Sagamore sipping on a few drinks.

Gender Prediction:  I had another boy dream on Saturday but people keep predicting girl.

Mood:  Oh, the irritability.  And I'm still pretty weepy.

Purchases:  Nothing this week.

Milestones:  Um... I'm drawing a blank this week.  I look huge?  Is that a milestone?  Possible movement? You pick ;)

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