Wednesday, May 23, 2012

18 weeks

How far along?:  18 weeks!  Baby's the size of a sweet potato.

Total weight gain:  I'm guessing I'm up to about 8,243lbs.

Maternity Clothes?:  LOVE them.  I have to world's best husband who so graciously went shopping for me last week while he was in NYC (the maternity stores in Upstate NY are seriously lacking) and bought me some great pieces.  A got a couple tanks, a couple tops, some work pants and a gorgeous black/white striped maxi dress.  I'm also waiting for a top and tank that I ordered from Gap last week arrive.

Showing?:  Yep.  I got my first stranger comments this week.  It's nice to know I'm actually looking pregnant rather than just like I've eaten a few too many bowls of pasta ;)

At the beginning of my pregnancy I thought it would be a good idea to take a picture each week wearing the same shirt.  You know, for comparison.  Now I'm so sick of looking at these boring-ass pictures of a black tank top that I don't know how I'll make it through another 22 weeks of them.

So here's a "prettier" one in actual clothing :)

Stretch Marks?:  Nope.

Sleep:  Still hit or miss.  Some nights are great, others not so good.  I am, however, able to stay up past 7:30pm now, haha.

Best moment this week:  Playing dress up in all my new mat clothes :)

Movement:  Definitely felt distinct movement today.  I was sitting at my desk at my office when I felt a fairly strong kick on the right side of my lower abdomen.  There were three little kicks in a row and I haven't felt anymore since, although I'm feeling the "movement" I was feeling last week more and more frequently.  And judging from where I'm feeling everything, this kid likes to hang out LOW.  I think that may also be why I have a weird pointy-shaped belly rather than a cute round one.

Cravings:  Fruit.  Ate an entire watermelon by myself last week and I've been obsessed with apples.  Oh, and this:  A TCBY frozen yogurt shop opened about a mile from my house a few weeks ago... since then, everyday that I've driven by I've basically drooled at the thought of it.  I finally made my way into the store on Saturday and was IN HEAVEN.  You fill your own bowl and add your own toppings.  This could prove deadly for a pregnant lady... I've been craving more since that first incredible bowl and can see myself there way too often this summer.  

Aversions:  Seem to have subsided, thankfully.

Other Symptoms:  Still dealing with heartburn, also had a couple killer headaches last week.  And the new thing is numbness on the outer side of my left thigh.

Missing anything?:  Not really.

Gender Prediction:  Nope.  Finally had a girl dream this week though, and she was named our top girl choice.

Mood:  Pretty good this week.

Purchases:  Lots of mat clothes and my beautiful Kate Spade diaper bag that should be arriving in the next day or so.

Milestones:  I'd call my first stranger comment a milestone, wouldn't you?  Kinda validated the pregnancy is some weird way :)

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