Friday, June 29, 2012

Last week in pictures. And a few words.

I spent a week (8 days actually) all alone last week while my wine-loving husband sipped vino in the Pacific Northwest at Oregon Pinot (yes, as in noir) Camp.

This was the longest we've spent apart since the days of the long-distance thing we did between St. Louis and Albany until I moved back to NY in 2007.

Before he left I kept wondering what the hell I would possibly do to keep myself from going out of my mind with boredom.

In the end, I ended up cramming so much stuff into my week that it kinda flew by.

I worked longer days, went to dinner with girlfriends and planned a few projects.

First up: Project Paint The Nursery.

I got it done in a surprisingly short amount of time but can I tell you?  Hopping up and down off of a ladder and squatting repeatedly at almost 6 months pregnant SUCKS.  I literally hurt everywhere at the end of the day.

Here's a picture of the nursery in progress, currently staged as a guest room, although the curtains, area rug (yes, I'm aware that we're insane to attempt to keep a white rug white with an infant) and giant bear will stay.

And since I take terrible pictures, below is the actual color... it's a nice, soft gray with a hint of taupe.  As husband Brad Pitt said, "they say taupe is very soothing".  Two cookies to whoever can tell me which movie that quote came from.

While the painting was happening inside, the following nightmare was occurring outside.  To prep for our pending renovation, we had to remove a rather large tree that sits smack dab (that is the strangest saying) in the middle of where our new master suite will be.  And we figured that while the tree guys were there, we'd take advantage of it and have them remove several others.  

That resulted in a bucket truck, some sort of dump truck with a claw (that's a technical term, right?) and a chipper parked in my lawn for most of the day.  And did I mention the constant noise?  Not from the trucks.  From the dogs.  Who barked their little heads off each time they saw one of the guys walk past a window or heard a piece of trunk fall to the ground.

At least now we're ready for construction to start :)

On Sunday I attended a good friend's bridal shower.  It was a gorgeous June day and the shower was held in a really pretty tent at a golf course in Saratoga.  It was one of the classier showers I've been to.  (Mine aside.  Duh.)  Except maybe for the panty-line.  Anyone ever seen one of these?  It was cute.  And included panties to wear throughout a marriage... from a lacy thong for the wedding night to everyday hipsters to granny panties.

And let's not forget the dessert station.  This pregnant girl had no shame and loaded up.

Project #2: Home Renovation

We've been planning this renovation for months now and since we're quickly running out of time, I spent the better part of the week researching property setbacks, visiting the town and county in search of an original survey and emailing ideas back and forth with our architect.  This process is far from stress-free but will be so worth it in the end.

Since our house is currently a (teeny) standard 50s ranch with  1,250 square feet, 3 bedrooms and only 1 bath, we knew something would have to change before this child arrived.  So we're adding a master suite with huge walk-in-closet and full bath, a breakfast room, powder room and main floor laundry (quite possibly my favorite feature) as well as expanding our living room by pulling it out onto our existing front porch.  We're also expanding our pantry by turning it into a walk-in versus the tiny reach-in we have now and turning our current master into an open sitting room/play room.

After all of my research gave me the proof  I needed to prove our architect wrong on minimum side yard setbacks, we're moving forward with the plan below.  Now we're just waiting for him to submit the plans to the town for approval and permits.  Once those are in place we'll be ready to excavate, hopefully sometime mid-July, turning our little L-shaped ranch into a giant box.

And I know we're insane but we're really aiming to have this all complete before BB's arrival in October.

Pray for me.

Aside from the boring part of a remodel, I've been having fun picking out new furniture, fixtures, paint colors, flooring and designing our walk-in-closet.  Isn't this lovely?  Look at all of that glorious shoe storage.  Too bad I have to share with husband ;)

I should probably start to plan my weeks out like this more often.  I felt so accomplished by the time Nick got home late Wednesday night.  But we all know me, right?  Lazy procrastinator extraordinaire.  And proud of it :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

23 weeks

How far along?:  23 weeks!  Baby's the size of grapefruit.  With everything that my mother-in-law has said about my husband's head size at birth, however, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this kid's head alone is probably the size of a grapefruit.

Total weight gain:  Still unsure.  Probably enormous + 1,000.  I haven't stopped eating in days.  Literally.

Maternity Clothes?:  I am seriously in love with maxi dresses and probably should invest in a few more.  So comfy.  

Weekly belly pic:
I really need to stop taking these pictures late at night when I'm exhausted.  I swear I don't really look this terrible.

I had fun playing dress up this week :) And can we talk about the shoes?  Love.  Also?  Still enjoying the fact that I really don't look all that pregnant.

Stretch Marks?:  Nope.

Sleep:  Has been pretty good this week... might have something to do with the fact that husband's been out of town since last Wednesday so I've had the bed to myself and have been able to keep the room at a comfortable temperature.  He prefers to freeze me to death.  Although lately, that's not such a bad thing since my body has turned into a furnace.

Best moment this week:  Um.  I'll have to think about that.  I tried to keep myself busy so I didn't get lonely during Nick's absence so I did a lot.  I had a lovely dinner with girlfriends one night, I attended a good friend's bridal shower, I spent two days at my in-laws' pool getting some sun... that was fun.  But ooh!  Painting the nursery!  That was the best moment this week :)

It's hard to tell in the picture, but after numerous paint samples, I finally found THE perfect shad of gray.  The curtains, area rug and giant teddy bear will stay, everything else will be moved to the new guest room.  Now to order our nursery furniture.  You know, so this kid actually has somewhere to sleep.

Movement:  I'm finally feeling movement a bit higher, nearer to my belly button.  Maybe BB's starting to flip.  

Cravings:  Cookies, cake, candy, chocolate, ice cream.  Oh, and pizza.

I may or may not have ordered this all for myself on Sunday ;)

Aversions:  Seemingly gone.  Although the tuna I ate at lunch today didn't taste good to me at all so I think I'll be avoiding it in the near future.

Other Symptoms:  The exhaustion seems to be kicking in again.  Growth spurt for the child, perhaps?  I've also been noticing that my feet are so incredibly sore if I'm on them any more than necessary.  After painting the nursery, cleaning the house and taking the dogs for a walk on Saturday I could barely walk.

Missing anything?:  Being able to lay on my stomach.  This doesn't bother me at all for sleeping purposes but it really complicates matters when trying to get an even tan at the pool.  ha.

Gender Prediction:  Boy?  Girl?  Unicorn?  Velociraptor?  None of the above?  You pick.

Mood:  Pretty good.  That's all I have to say about that :)

Purchases:  Did I buy anything this week?  I can't remember.  My memory is shot.

Milestones:  One week til V-Day!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

22 weeks

How far along?:  22 weeks!  Baby's the size of a papaya.  And according to Baby Center, the length of a spaghetti squash.  These fruit/veggie comparisons seriously crack me up.

Total weight gain:  Unsure.  And I have no plans to step on a scale until my next appt on July 5.

Maternity Clothes?:  Let's just leave this at a big fat YES from here on out.

Weekly belly pic:

Please disregard the double chin, glasses and pout.  Last night was a rough one.

And here we are at a wedding on Saturday, at 21w5d.  I love that this (non-maternity) dress more or less completely covered the bump.  But can I just say?  Weddings aren't nearly as much fun sober.  And dancing with the bump was, um, interesting... felt like it was literally going to fall off.

Stretch Marks?:  Still haven't looked but I did find some (terrifying) cellulite on my thighs.  Sigh.  I guess I can only have it good for so long...

Sleep:  Sucks a fat one.  I've been waking up constantly and have been so uncomfortable.  After three nights of this crap I was finally so tired on Sunday that I managed to get a decent night's sleep but that ended again last night.  Let the cycle begin.

Best moment this week:  Celebrating husband's 32nd birthday with a trip to Philadelphia (that included tons of shopping and a 4 hour dinner at Le Bec Fin) and his first Father's Day :)  I got him a Diaper Dude diaper bag, 'cause you know, I didn't think he'd want to rock the orange striped Kate Spade while on baby duty ;)

I'm being a picture whore this week... here I am after Nick's birthday dinner.  LOVE this (again, non-maternity) dress :)

Movement:  More and more constant everyday.  I love love love it.  It's pretty much the coolest feeling in the world.  Nick felt the baby kick for the first time on Saturday which was neat, and I saw my belly move for the first time yesterday at 22 weeks exactly.  So surreal.

Cravings:  Still on the anything sugary and sweet kick.  I ate about a bajillion Italian pastries at the wedding on Saturday and did the same at a charity event last night.    

Aversions:  Gone!  

Other Symptoms:  Ugh, the tailbone pain has been killer this week.  The drive to Philly was pretty uncomfortable and sitting anywhere for any length of time is starting to get unbearable.  I've also noticed lately that my feet hurt pretty badly after standing or walking for even short periods of time.

Missing anything?:  Drinking.  Yes, I realize how this makes me sound.

Gender Prediction:  I'm starting to seriously think it's a boy.  Although I can't tell you why.

Mood:  Eh.  I've definitely been moody the past couple of days.  I had a moment yesterday while getting ready for the charity event where I just had to stop and scream.  Thank God I was home alone.  Although I shouldn't be surprised, I'm finding that EVERYTHING is harder while pregnant and I've turned into the world's biggest klutz.  After dropping the blowdryer, my comb, makeup brushes and struggling to get into my dress and get my shoes buckled I pretty much lost it.

Purchases:  Bought a few more maternity items last week.  Oh and also bought all new bras and underwear after waking up one morning to find that I grew out of everything I owned.  That was a fun little discovery.  Also bought a new bathing suit... non-maternity.  Hope nobody minds the beached whale floating around the pool this summer with her big shiny white belly sticking out ;)

Milestones:  Made it through a wedding pregnant.

Random Observation:  The belly touching has got to stop.  Seriously, what is it with people and pregnant bellies?!!  I don't mind it so much when it comes from close friends or family but I was touched by no fewer than 30 people over the course of the weekend.  I swear, I'm going to start rubbing their bellies right back.  And for the record, I've NEVER touched a pregnant person's belly.  Just not cool.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

21 weeks

How far along?:  21 weeks!  Baby's the size of a pomegranate.  It seems baffling that I'm this far along.

Total weight gain:  I'm probably up to about a bajillion pounds.  I spent the past 5 days in St. Louis visiting family for my nephew's baptism and I took full advantage of the food offerings.   

Maternity Clothes?:  Yes, yes and yes.  I went on a total shopping spree in the 'lou last week.  Since I've been having to order the majority of my clothes online due to Albany's lack of maternity shops, it was a nice change of pace to be able to try clothes on before purchasing.  I had a blast in the stores and now have a pretty respectable wardrobe which will hopefully last me 'til fall. 

Weekly belly pic:

FYI: I hate this picture.  Double chins.  Blech.

Stretch Marks?:  Don't think so.  And after talking to Mom last week, she said she didn't get many while she was pregnant and from what I've read, stretch marks are a hereditary thing so let's hope I'm safe.

Sleep:  Was great while I was out of town.  Must've been the fact that I had literally nothing on my mind and had nothing to get up for each day.  So nice.  My first night home (last night) I slept like crap... couldn't fall asleep then when I finally did, I couldn't stay asleep.  It was an awesome night.

Best moment this week:  Visiting family and getting to spend time with this little guy:

Meet my 5 month old nephew, Cameron, who is the spitting image of my brother when he was a baby.  He's seriously the cutest thing ever with the sweetest shrieks and squeals.  His expression in the pic where he's looking at me is priceless... he looks so confused.  This was only my second time seeing him and I completely fell in love.

Runner up for best moment of the week:  being told several times by different people that I'm an adorable pregnant lady.  I'll take all the compliments I can get.  While they last... :)

Movement:  I'm feeling BB pretty regularly now... I feel him/her the most in the mornings and at night but today I've felt quite a few kicks as I sit here at my desk.  Love every one of them.

Cravings:  Anything sugary.  And junk food.  This needs to stop or I'm going to be huge.  While in St. Louis I indulged in the following:

  • Cake
  • Donuts
  • Deep fried tacos and jalapeno poppers from Jack in the Box
  • More cake
  • Chips and dip
  • About half of an extra large Imo's pizza
  • Cinnamon rolls
  • A (shared) bowl of cheese dip and an enormous chimichanga from El Maguey
  • Candy
  • More cinnamon rolls
  • Fruit (hey! something healthy!)
And this was all on top of regular meals.  Um, oops?

Aversions:  Gone!  I'm starting to think this may be a bad thing...

Other Symptoms:  The heartburn's still hanging around but otherwise I'm feeling pretty good.  I did have quite the experience flying out to St. Louis last week though... I was trying to fall asleep when I got the world's worst hot flash.  I was literally peeling my clothes off.  I was so hot, light-headed and nauseous that if I didn't cool down I seriously thought I was going to lose it.  And naturally, I was in a window seat with the two others in my row sound asleep... i.e. no escape.  Luckily there was a barf bag in my seat back pocket.  Luckily I didn't have to use it.  After about 20 minutes of pure sweat and panic I cooled down and managed to fall asleep.  Crisis averted.  Although I don't think I'll be doing anymore flying before this kid arrives.  The hot flash coupled with an achy tailbone and legs that kept falling asleep didn't make for a fun flight.

Missing anything?:  Still missing turkey sandwiches.  Sigh.

Gender Prediction:  Mom thinks girl and said so all week :)

Mood:  Good!

Purchases:  See above reference maternity clothes.  Mom also bought us a couple of adorable newborn outfits.

Milestones:  Conquered a trip across the country while pregnant.  

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


How far along?:  20 weeks!  We're officially halfway to the finish line!

Total weight gain:  I hate the scale at my OB's office.  At our anatomy scan yesterday, their scale had me up 19lbs.  That's just disgusting.  However, in my defense, I had a very full bladder, per their request to drink 32oz of water prior the ultrasound and it 2:30 in the afternoon so I'd already eaten breakfast, a snack, lunch and another snack.  I weighed myself at home this morning and was only up 16lbs according to my scale.  I suppose I can live with that.    

Maternity Clothes?:  Still love them and can still *sometimes* get away without them.  I'm finding that mat pants/jeans with a long tank tops under a light jacket or sweater is becoming my go-to outfit.  

Weekly belly pic:

 This was technically taken at 19 weeks but we happened to be at our photographer's house for Memorial Day so I took advantage and had him take our "half-baked" pic.


And because I'm obsessed with taking pictures of myself, here are a couple from this week.  Seriously need better light in my hallway.

Stretch Marks?:  Still unsure.

Sleep:  Is improving.  Most nights I'm only up to pee once or twice now.  Sweet, sweet relief. 

Best moment this week:  Definitely our 20 week anatomy scan which revealed a perfectly healthy baby who is measuring right on track.  Quad/NT scan results came back great, with very low risk for Down Syndrome, Trisomy 13 & 18 and no evidence of neural tube defects.  Yay for healthy baby!

Still looks like a little alien to me ;)

Such an adorable profile shot.  And the bent knee that's most likely getting ready to punt me in the bladder.

Also up there for best moment of the week was by best friend Krystyn's baby shower.  She's been through way more than any woman should have to go through to have a baby so to see her make it this far and be able to celebrate the fantastic little guy growing inside of her was fantastic.  Love her to pieces.  And since we're pregnant at the same time, we took some pretty cute best friend maternity pics at the shower which I hope to have back soon.

Movement:  I can finally say that what I've been feeling is without a doubt the kid moving and kicking.  It was confirmed at my appt yesterday that Baby Bakmi's feet are sitting super low, basically on top of my bladder (head in up near my belly button) which corresponds with where I've been feeling all of his/her taps for attention.

Cravings:  Chocolate.  There may or may not be a package of Fudge Fancies in my desk drawer right now ;)

Aversions:  Gone!

Other Symptoms:  Not much lately.  Heartburn has been kicking my ass daily but after popping a Zantac I'm fine.  My tailbone gets sore after long periods of sitting and the thigh numbness comes and goes but other than that, I can't really complain!  After the awful first trimester I had, it's so nice to be feeling like myself again.

Missing anything?:  Deli meat.  I'm having the hardest time coming up with things to eat for lunch.  The problem would be solved if I could just have a damn turkey sandwich!  

Gender Prediction:  For some reason I've been thinking boy lately.  No reason behind it, just keep referring to BB as "he".  And thankfully I wasn't tempted to peek at the u/s at our appt yesterday :)

Mood:  Good!  I've been pretty upbeat all week.

Purchases:  No purchases, but we got a pretty good start on our registry yesterday after the anatomy scan.  It was seriously fun walking around picking out baby stuff.  Although we admittedly had no clue what we were doing ;)

Milestones:  Half-baked!