Tuesday, July 31, 2012

28 weeks

How far along?:  28 weeks!  Bakmi's the size of an eggplant.  Mmm... eggplant.

Total weight gain:  We'll find out on Thursday at my next OB appt... if I decide to look at the scale, that is ;)

Maternity Clothes?:  I got my Asos order in and am IN LOVE.  Seriously wish I discovered this line sooner... everything fits so well and the quality is great.  It's nice to feel trendy again.  I wore the yellow skirt to a friend's birthday dinner last week (picture below) and got a ton of compliments.
Just a reminder of what I ordered.  I'm wearing the nude top today and LOVE it.

Weekly belly pic:
Kid totally moved up this week and I think it shows... my belly seems to look higher than it has.  Or maybe I'm imagining things.

Here's the above-mentioned yellow skirt.  Cute, no?  And isn't it funny how different I look between the two pictures?  I've been having far more days of "I'll skip the shower and just throw on a hat" and have a feeling it's only going to get worse...

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.

Sleep:  It's getting more and more difficult to roll over and I'm back to waking up 4-5 times a night to pee.  Although the kid seems to have moved up, s/he is using my bladder as a pillow now, instead of just kicking it.  So I've been sleeping like crap.  

Best moment this week:  Getting the nursery assembled.  I spent all day Saturday painting over Nick's beloved Yankees-themed man-cave to convert it to a tasteful guest room, thus allowing us to convert the existing guest room to the nursery.  And can I tell you?  Spackling, sanding and painting (all freehand, no tape!) by yourself at almost 7 months pregnant is a feat.  I was so sore by the end of the day but so proud that I managed to do it.

Then on Sunday Nick and I moved the bed out of the nursery into the guest room, put the crib together and arranged the furniture.  We're not done yet (still need knobs for the dresser, the ottoman for the glider, shelving and artwork and the window will be replaced) but we're pretty happy with the way it's turning out :)

Don't you love M&B checking things out?  They don't know quite what to make of this new space.

Movement:  All the time.  And as mentioned above, it's definitely higher now.  I'm feeling kicks (punches?) across my entire belly at navel-level.  Kid likes to hang out on the right side though, which has my belly looking a bit lopsided at times.  

Cravings:  Still can't get rid of the sweet tooth.  The biggest change that I've noticed in my appetite comes during breakfast.  I used to HAVE to have eggs (or some sort of protein) for breakfast.  Now all I ever want is something on the sweeter side... cereal, oatmeal, waffles, pancakes.  Not a good way to start my day.

Aversions:  Nada.

Other Symptoms:  Still dealing with the tired, achy feet.  Husband's foot massager has come in handy.  Heartburn is getting worse and the dreaded third trimester exhaustion has definitely come around.

Missing anything?:  Sleep.

Belly Button:  Hanging in there.

Gender Prediction:  Had another boy prediction this week from a friend's mother.

Mood:  Just tired.  And losing motivation at work.  Makes it hard to deal with clients.

Purchases:  Nothing new this week, although my shower invitations went out yesterday (yay!!) so I can start registry stalking soon to see what others have purchased for us.  Is that wrong?  haha

Milestones:  Third trimester!  It's baffling to me that I'm this far along.  I was talking with Nick the other day about how long ago the first couple of months feel and how slowly they seemed to drag by... now time is flying and this kid will be here before we know it.

In Other News:  I took my one hour glucose test last week.  And failed.  My blood sugar came in at 165.  Boo.  So now tomorrow I get to go back to the lab and sit there for three hours for the three hour glucose test to determine whether or not I have gestational diabetes.  As a sidenote, I'm apparently at a higher risk for GD since my brother has type 1 diabetes.  Lucky me.  I'm NOT looking forward to this test at all as it's a fasting test... I honestly don't know how I'm going to make it til 11:30 without eating.  My stomach (pregnant or not) is always growling the second I get out of bed in the morning.  Pray for me :-/

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