Tuesday, August 7, 2012

29 weeks.

How far along?:  29 weeks!  Bakmi's the size of an acorn squash.  If only s/he would stay all balled up like that instead of stretching across my stomach and poking/kicking/tickling my inside organs ;)

Total weight gain:  Ugh.  People, I have broken the 170 mark.  I'm officially up 30lbs.  This makes me sad.  I've never weighed above 150, let alone 170.  This weight BETTER come off.  Remind me to put down the cupcakes, will you?

Maternity Clothes?:  Starting to second guess my fall wardrobe.  I definitely have enough summer mat. clothes but I think I'm going to be screwed in the fall.  Better get on that.  

Weekly belly pic:
Can you say enormous?  Really not sure how I'm gonna fit 11 more weeks in there.

Clockwise from top left: 28w5d, all dressed up Dennis & Janelle's wedding.  This dress was AMAZING, by the way.  28w4d, casual w/ curls for D&J's rehearsal dinner.  28w2d, dressed for work (this Asos top has become my new favorite).  28 week sticker picture, taken late at 28w6d.  Oops.

Stretch Marks?:  Still none, thankfully, although my sides have been itching like mad lately.  Hope this isn't a sign of what's to come.

Sleep:  Is AWFUL.  I broke my own record the other night, getting up 7 (yes, that's SEVEN) times to pee in 8 hours.  Can you say fitful sleep?  Sigh.

Best moment this week:  Dennis and Janelle's wedding.  It was nice to be told so many times how incredible I look and how much I rock for staying in stillettos all night while the majority of the female wedding guests had changed to flip flops.  And I didn't just sit on my ass all night either... I danced a bit.  Definitely paid for it the next day, but I did it :)

Movement:  Kid has been OUT.OF.CONTROL lately.  S/he was moving around so much yesterday that it was making me sick to my stomach.  I'm not complaining though, I love it :)

Cravings:  Plums.  I've eaten about a dozen over the past or so.

Aversions:  Nada.

Other Symptoms:  Sausage toes.  And slightly puffy feet.  It's been so damn humid that I've had trouble fitting in my shoes.  Thankfully the past two days have been gorgeous so my feet are back to normal size.

Missing anything?:  Sleep.

Belly Button:  Slowly flattening out.  And I had a little moment of panic the other night when I lost the bottom ball to my belly button ring.  I couldn't find it anywhere and couldn't find my replacement balls so I freaked out a little thinking I was finally going to have to cave and remove it entirely.  Luckily I found my spares so I'm good for another week :)

Gender Prediction:  Everyone, and I mean everyone, at the wedding Saturday predicted boy.  I have no idea why everyone's so adamant.

Mood:  Tired and slightly cranky.

Purchases:  The knobs for my dresser finally came in last week. (If you're friends with me on facebook you've already heard this story).  I got home and excitedly sat down to screw in the 9 knobs on my 9 drawer dresser.  Makes perfect sense, right?

Apparently I'm a moron.  Yes, there are 9 drawers but there are 15 holes for knobs.  You'd think I'd know this since I'm intimately familiar with the dresser after the countless coats of primer, paint and poly I applied.  Eff you, pregnancy brain, eff you.  I literally sat on the floor in front of the dresser laughing at myself.  And I won't get into it but it was such an ordeal to get these 9 ordered that the thought of having to go back to the store to order 6 more was something I wasn't even willing to entertain.  Thankfully Mom came to the rescue. The Hobby Lobby in St. Louis had them in stock so she picked them up for me and will be bringing them with her next month for my shower.

Milestones:  Um, I'm drawing a blank.

In Other News:  After failing the one hour glucose test, I went back to LabCorp for the three hour on Wednesday.  It wasn't nearly as bad as I had thought it would be.  They had a nice little "comfort room" with a comfy recliner for me to chill in so I sat there most of the time watching a movie that Nick downloaded on his iPad for me.

This is the sight that the poor LabCorp nurses were subjected to 3 1/2 hours.

I also had my 28 week OB appt last week.  The results of the 3 hour glucose weren't in yet and I'm still waiting to hear but everything else looked good and BB kicked at the doppler again and had a heartrate in the 140s-150s.  

We've officially entered every-two-week-appt territory so I'll be back again on the 16th for another baby check.  Hey, there's my milestone :)

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