Wednesday, August 22, 2012

31 weeks

How far along?:  31 weeks!  Technically 31 weeks, 2 days because I'm a slacker and can never seem to post on time.  And in case you're keeping track, today marks exactly two months 'til my due date.  Woot!  BB is the size of a pineapple.  Thankfully not as prickly, though ;)

Total weight gain:  Seriously hoping that my appt next weeks shows a minimal gain.  I realized a couple of days after my last appt (that showed a 5lb gain in two weeks) that the iron pills were doing a number on my digestive system... i.e. bringing to a complete halt.  Now that the Colace seems to have kicked in, I'm back to normal and blame the weight gain on my intestines being, um, full.  Hopefully now that they're being emptied on the regular, I won't be as heavy.  You're welcome for that story.

Maternity Clothes?:  Nick seemed worried the other day that I didn't have enough to get me through the fall so I went back to Destination Maternity to invest in a few more pieces.  Didn't find too much but I got another cardigan and a pair of full length leggings to wear with boots when it gets cooler.  

Weekly belly pic:
After looking back at my earlier bump pics today, I realized that I really need to start doing my hair again.  This flat, lifeless thing I've got going on isn't doing anything for my appearance.

Pretty sure I forgot to post this last week, so here it is.  These stickers are silly but I like 'em :)

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.

Sleep:  I'm almost afraid to say it but sleep has been better this week.  I've been getting up only 2-3 times to pee (probably means I'm not drinking enough water) and I've been feeling fairly rested in the mornings.  Let's hope this keeps up for a little while longer.

Best moment this week:  Getting our maternity pics!!  I teased one of them last week but here are some of my favorites.  I had so much fun during the shoot and am so glad we have these to remember this time in our lives.

Movement:  Sunday was insane.  BB literally didn't stop moving all day.  Even during church while I was standing s/he was doing flips and throwing punches.  I usually don't feel him/her unless I'm sitting or laying down.  It was distracting, to say the least.  Then on Monday though, Kid decided to scare me.  I realized sometime late evening that I really hadn't felt him/her much that day.  So I laid in one position for about 45 minutes and felt only one movement.  Cue minor freak out.  I got up, chugged some juice and laid back down.  A few minutes later s/he finally began to roll around.  And hasn't stopped since.  I being punched in the cervix as we speak.  

Cravings:  Ice.  This is a weird one for me, but apparently it's a pretty common pregnancy craving.  I find myself wanting to chew the little ice cubes in my water lately.  I've never been an ice chewer because my teeth couldn't handle the cold.  Now I can't get enough.

Aversions:  Nada.

Other Symptoms:  My feet are still rebelling the extra weight.  Yesterday I did a fair amount of walking and paid for it last night.

Missing anything?:  Booze.  I had a dream last night that I had the baby and was getting bombed with girlfriends on margaritas and wine.  Two months and counting.

Belly Button:  Hanging in there.  

Gender Prediction:  Although I've really had no inclination one way or the other, early in the pregnancy I kept picturing BB as a boy and referring to it as a him.  Now for some reason whenever I picture baby I think girl.  Might have something to do with the fact that EVERYONE thinks it's a he and I just want to prove them all wrong ;)

Mood:  Good!  Now that our renovations are finally moving along I've been able to relax a bit and I think it's helped my mood. Also helpful is the fact that my shower is next Saturday and my mom, brother, sister-in-law and nephew are all flying in for it.  So excited!!

Purchases:  I don't think we purchased anything baby-related this week.

Milestones:  Um.  I'm drawing a blank again.  I should probably start looking something up about the baby for this category.

In Other News:  We did our hospital tour last night.  Big fat waste of time, in my opinion.  I mean, I suppose it was good to get a lay of the land and some sort of idea of where to go and what the rooms are like but it was pretty worthless.  It was more of a lecture from the tour guide/L&D nurse on the benefits of breast-feeding.  So naturally I'm now worried that the nurses at the hospital are going to try to shame me into doing something I'm not comfortable doing.  We're taking a "crib notes" class on Saturday... or what I like to call, the "how to keep your child alive" class and I seriously hope they're not as preachy.  Sigh.

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