Tuesday, August 28, 2012

32 weeks.

How far along?:  32 weeks!  Only 8 weeks left to go.  Does that scare the shit out of anyone else?

Total weight gain:  We shall find out on Friday.  I'm not looking forward to it.  Although I keep looking at myself wondering where the hell my body is hiding 35 extra pounds.  I'm seriously ALL belly and it honestly doesn't seem that big.

Maternity Clothes?:  My maternity pants (the demi-panel ones, anyway) are starting to get a bit snug.  This could be a problem.  

Weekly belly pic:
What do you think?  Starting to get a little torpedo-like, huh?

A couple outfits from last week.  Totally forgot about the coral shirt that I bought way back in the beginning... it was a nice surprise to find in my closet.

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.  And let's keep it that way.  

Sleep:  Still a little better.  Although I'm exhausted during the day yet can't fall asleep before midnight at night.  I'm not napping either, so it's kind of strange.  And I set a new record the other night by getting up 6 times to pee.  In 7 hours.  Ridiculous.

Best moment this week:  My best friend of 32 years had her baby this week.  After the hell she went through to conceive, carry the pregnancy to term and deliver him safely, I'm so happy that she and her husband finally have their precious little baby boy.  My Godson :)

And in house news, we have footings!  Is it sad that a little bit of poured concrete excites me so?

Progress!!  And today they moved the sewer line.  See that giant pipe sticking out of the middle of the existing foundation?  Can't have that going directly through our new basement so they're moving it to the garage wall.  When I left the house this morning the forms were in place to pour the foundation walls so hopefully we'll really start to see some progress soon.  T-minus 8 weeks, people.

Movement:  So constant that it's a little annoying (sorry BB).  When I sitting up and leaning forward slightly, s/he kicks up a storm right at my waistline (probably doesn't like being squished) and it seriously tickles.  Thank God there's no one else in my office to see me squirming all over the place.  

Cravings:  I saw a recipe for Fudgy Brownie Cookies on the Pinterest the other day and immediately ran out to buy the ingredients necessary to make them.  They are AMAZING.  But you really didn't think I could stop at the cookies, right?  Turning them into a warm brownie sundae with Fudge Tracks ice cream and caramel sauce proved a way better idea.  And yes, I've had a bowl each night since Saturday.  And I wonder where the 35lbs came from, haha ;)

Aversions:  Nada.

Other Symptoms:  The heartburn seems to be getting progressively worse.  I've been living on Zantac for the past week.  My legs and feet though, are still my biggest source of complaint.  I can't even describe how sore and achy I am at the end of each day.  I just lay on the couch and moan.  I'm sure husband loves it.  My feet have also started to swell pretty badly all of a sudden.  It's not really noticeable to anyone but me but I can't stand it.  And it's really only my left foot.  Explain that one.

Missing anything?:  Being able to roll over in bed without getting winded.

Belly Button:  It's just about flat.  I'm starting to worry about my beloved belly button ring making it another 8 weeks. 

Gender Prediction:  Still keep hearing from EVERYONE that this kid is a boy.  How I would love to prove them all wrong.  (Not that I don't want a boy, I just don't like it when people tell me so confidently that they know what it is.  And proving people wrong is fun.)

Mood:  Still good.  I'm pretty excited this week because Mom gets in town on Thursday, followed by Craig, Michelle and Cameron on Friday.  Then I get to celebrate baby at my shower on Saturday!  Can't wait.  'Til then though, I'm occupying myself by stalking the shit out of my registry online.

Purchases:  Nothing new this week.

Milestones:  32 week appt is this Friday which means ultrasound!  Haven't had one since 20 weeks so we're pretty excited.

In Other News:  We took the Crib Notes & Baby Talk (i.e. Parenting for Dummies) class at the hospital on Saturday.  Thankfully it was much better than the hospital tour we did the previous week.  The instructor was crazy-enthusiastic about everything baby and gave us some fantastic tips.  We also got some hands-on practice with burping, swaddling and diapering.  Quite helpful for someone who hasn't taken care of a newborn in almost 20 years.

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