Thursday, September 6, 2012

33 weeks.

How far along?:  33 weeks!  Plus 3 days.  This post is seriously late.  If I wrote it yesterday though, I probably wouldn't have any followers left.  I was MISERABLE and probably would've bitched and moaned my way through the categories.  Long story but I'm better today.  Thank the Ambien I took last night ;)

Sidenote: what the hell is a durian?  That's what The Bump relates the size of baby to this week...

Total weight gain:  Ugh, 39 effing pounds as of last Friday.  And after indulging myself in every sweet known to man last weekend I'm probably up another 5.

Maternity Clothes?:  Are definitely getting tight.  I don't understand why they don't make clothes to last all the way through pregnancy.  All of my shorts are uncomfortable and my tops are starting to get short.  And I'm EXACTLY the size I should be at this point so it's not as if I'm too big or anything.  Sigh.  I guess I'll be living in leggings and baggy tops 'til October.

Weekly belly pic:
Belly is sticking out more and more each week.  Kinda makes me laugh.

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.  Seriously hoping to keep it this way.

Sleep:  Has been awful again.  I'm finally to the stage where I have to prop my belly on a pillow to be comfortable laying on my side.  It's so damn heavy!  And I have to support it with my hand when I (attempt to) roll over.  As mentioned above, last night I just couldn't take it anymore so I popped half an Ambien and slept hard.  So hard that when Nick got home he said he actually felt me to make sure I was still breathing.  haha.  

Best moment this week:  My baby shower!!  It was incredible.  I have some seriously generous people in my life and and am beyond thankful.  Full post on the shower to come later this week.  Or month ;)
The haul, which is currently residing in our dining room.

Best moment #2 of the week was getting to spend time with my favorite little boy.  I was lucky enough to have my mom, brother, sister-in-law and nephew fly in for the weekend for my shower.  I haven't seen them since June when Cameron was only 5 months old so it was great to them all again.  I am beyond in love with my nephew and had such a blast watching him crawl around and pull himself up on everything he could get his chubby little hands on.

Cutest little boy ever, right?  L to R: In the "I love my Auntie" bib that his favorite aunt got for him.  Discovering his love for bakmi.  All dressed up for dinner.

Movement:  Things are definitely getting a bit in there.  I don't feel as many kicks anymore... it's more rolling and stretching.  And ugh, the stretching... this kid doesn't seem to realize the s/he can't come out through my abdomen.  I've been trying to record it because it's definitely a little alien-like to see my entire stomach shift and change shape when s/he pushes to one side.  S/he is also quite fond of pushing his/her booty up under my ribcage.  I'm not a fan.  My ribs feel so bruised that certain movements are pretty painful.  Please stop hurting Mommy, BB.  Please? 

Cravings:  Have I mentioned sugar?  This has really got to stop.  Over the past week I've eaten no less than 3 cupcakes, a slice of cake, numerous cookies, a scone the size of my head, lemon squares, brownies and two bags of caramel popcorn.  I have a problem.

Aversions:  Nada.  Bring on the food.

Other Symptoms:  The feet.  Oh, the aching feet.  It's getting to the point where I seriously can't deal.  I ache so bad every night that I just lay on the couch and moan.  Getting comfortable is next to impossible.  Doesn't help that with the renovations I have to walk the dogs a few times a day rather than just letting out to do their business in the yard.  Walking is not my friend anymore.  In fact I had someone say to me the other day that he could tell I'm nearing the end because of how slow I'm walking.  Yup, I make no attempt to walk at a normal pace anymore.  It's sad.

And can we also discuss the size of my feet?  I went slipper shopping yesterday and almost had a meltdown in the middle of Target.  I'm normally an 8.5, sometimes a 9 but had to buy a freaking 10 yesterday.  A TEN.  That's ridiculous.  I thought it was just swelling but it seems that the length of my feet have grown a bit as well.  I can't even squeeze into my heels anymore.  If my feet don't go back to normal after giving birth I seriously might die.  We all know how attached I am to my beautiful shoe collection.

Missing anything?:  Alcohol.  Although I did indulge in a glass of wine with dinner on Friday and had a celebratory mimosa at my shower on Saturday.

Belly Button:  Definitely getting flat but the maternity navel bar is hanging in there.  I'm starting to have hope that it may make it to the end.

Gender Prediction:  I've been leaning towards girl lately.  No idea why.  And it's not even something I'm cognizant of... I just think of the baby as "she" when looking at my stomach.  But apparently when speaking aloud I refer to baby as "him" without even realizing it.  So who knows what I've got in there.  Nick dreamed last night that it was a girl but I still keep having mixed dreams.

Mood:  As mentioned above, I was beyond miserable yesterday.  Even had my first hormone induced ugly cry.  That was fun.  Today, however, I'm 100% fine.  I'm not a fan of the back and forth mood crap.

Purchases:  After my shower, we went through the gifts and made a few returns and were able to buy most of the rest of what we'll need for baby.  Now we get to spend hours upon hours putting everything together.

Milestones:  Had my 32 week appt and ultrasound last Friday.  Since Mom was in town for my shower, she got to come with us.  It was awesome to have her there.  The tech took her time so we could get a good look at BB and we found out the s/he is head down (woot!) and weighs approx. 4lb 7oz with a heartrate in the 140s-150s.  Based on this size estimation my OB said we could end up with a 7.5-8lb baby at birth.  That would be awesome.

In Other News:  We're finally making progress on the house... the framers have been there all week and got the living room addition almost fully framed and are starting on the big addition today.  I love seeing progress.

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