Wednesday, October 3, 2012

37 weeks

How far along?:  37 weeks!  Plus 2 days.  Couldn't get my act together to post on time this week.  I don't know how (well, I do) the hell we got here.  I feel like yesterday I was 30 weeks and still anticipating my next ultrasound and baby shower.  Now we're so close it's scary.  And chances are good that if baby were to come now (please stay put for another 3-4 weeks, though, BB) s/he would be perfectly fine.  Kinda scary to think that I have a fully formed child inside of me.  Still seems alien to me.  Sorry, kid ;)

Total weight gain:  As of my last appt on Friday, I'm up another couple of pounds for a grand total of 45.  Ugh.  I'm starting to get annoyed with myself for overeating so much in the first trimester.  This belly is HEAVY.  Rolling over is seriously difficult when you have to hoist your midsection up with one arm while bracing yourself with the other.

Maternity Clothes?:  I've been living in under-belly leggings lately.  I have a feeling that's not going to change for oh, several months.

Weekly belly pic:
Along with the increased belly size, I'm starting to look gross in general.  I look tired all the time.  Probably because I am.

36w4d on the left, before heading out for a charity event.  Gotta say, the people there were great for my ego.  I got a TON of compliments that night.  And I managed to rock 4" stiletto boots :)  37w2d (today) on the right, trying a smile on for size before I left my office for a luncheon.  Wanted to make sure my exhausted appearance wouldn't scare anybody, haha.

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.  Shall we start taking bets on how much longer I'll be able to say this?

Sleep:  Is a thing of the past.  Unless it's Ambien-induced ;)  I can't even tell you how many times I wake up each night.  And having to wake each morning at 6:45 before the contractors show up around 7 is starting to get really old.

Best moment this week:  Making more progress on the house!  I'm gonna stick with last week's response.  HUGE progress this week... the entire addition is sheet rocked and the stone work on the front of the house is finally finished.  Looks AMAZING.  

Movement:  S/he definitely seems to be running out of room in there.  I don't get too many kicks anymore but s/he rolls from side to side all the time, which is not at all comfortable.  A few minutes ago I literally watched the shape of my stomach completely change with a giant roll.  S/he also likes to attempt to stretch all the way across my belly.  Too bad s/he doesn't realize s/he can't come out through my ribcage.

Cravings:  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on potato bread.  I've had one for lunch almost everyday for the past couple of weeks.  Also?  Vanilla Frosties from Wendy's.  I bring them home and add caramel sauce to make them even more healthy.

Aversions:  Nada.  

Other Symptoms:  OMG the tingling/numbness in my hands HAS.GOT.TO.STOP.  Apparently this is pregnancy induced carpal tunnel.  FUN!  It's gotten so bad lately that if my right hand is above my heart for any length of time (I'm talking seconds here), it falls asleep.  This is seriously annoying since, you know, I'm right handed.

Missing anything?:  Beer?  This is unlike me as I usually go for wine but I had a sip of Nick's pumpkin beer the other night and almost died.  So delicious.

Belly Button:  I think it's still there.  I can't tell for sure anymore unless I feel for it.  Since I've apparently "dropped" a bit, I can no longer see it when I look down.  Nor can I see my feet, which makes walking a bit problematic, but that's another story altogether ;)

Gender Prediction:  I don't know... Boy?  Girl?  Puppy?  You pick.

Mood/Feeling:  Pretty good to the public at large but inside I'm DONE.  I'd been really comfortable for the past three weeks or so but all of sudden this week it hit me.  I'm large, uncomfortable and can't wait to feel like myself again.  I just feel so heavy and move so slow.  I have to keep reminding myself that I'm SO close.

Purchases:  We finally did our registry completion the other day and spent so much money that the cashier thought it would be nice to tell us that it was the highest total she'd ever seen.  Luckily though, between returns, gift cards and coupons we actually didn't spend a penny out of our pockets.  Score.

Labor Signs:  I've finally concluded that what I've been feeling for that past week and a half are definitely Braxton Hicks contractions.  They've been getting progressively worse.  Not painful at all, just super annoying.  Luckily they stop the second I sit down.  I've noticed that I get them with regularity while doing anything strenuous... house cleaning, laundry, walking the dogs or just overdoing it in general.  Because of this, I've been trying to relax as much as possible.  I don't want to do ANYTHING that could possibly me cause me to go into early labor.

Milestones:  I thought the beginning of week 37 marked full term but I read something the other day that said it's at the end of 37 weeks.  Either way, I'd say I'm there :)

In Other News:

Baby made his/her second appearance in a local publication this week.  We made the Social Scene of the Times Union on Friday.  Picture quality is terrible (which was probably a good thing) but it was taken at a charity dinner we attended a week and a half ago.

Also, I finally packed the majority of my hospital bag this week.  Nick had been on me to do so, so I went shopping for a few essentials (ahem, pads the size of my foot) and packed away.  I also put both my and Nick's diaper bags together last night.  That was kinda fun :)  So I guess if I do go into labor soon, we're ready.  Well, our bags are ;)

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