Tuesday, September 25, 2012

36 weeks.

How far along?:  36 weeks!  We're under a month out, people!  Although if I get my way, this kid will stay put 'til about 41 weeks, giving us extra time to get the house done.  Of course, I'll probably be eating those words when I get to that point and am beyond miserable.

Total weight gain:  I have another appt on Friday so we'll find out then.  I've been eating really well lately... haven't had much of an appetite so that's helped.  BB is encroaching upon my belly-space which has been good for me, calorie-wise.  I'll be surprised if I'm up more than a pound or two over the past two weeks but knowing my luck, I'll have gained another 10 or something ridiculous.

Maternity Clothes?:  It's definitely getting colder here which is making it harder to dress.  I've been cramming my fat feet into boots that barely fit and wrapping cardigans around tanks and tees.  And I broke down and bought what is hopefully my LAST maternity purchase for awhile... two long-sleeved tees to get me through the next month.

Weekly belly pic:
Can you say BIG BELLY?

Looking like crap on the left at 35w2d, all dressed up for a charity dinner on the right at 35w3d.  Please ignore the fact that my once put-together nursery is now a disheveled mess.  Hoping to get it all put back together tonight.

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.  And I checked myself again this morning so I can still say this with confidence.  Fingers crossed, people!

Sleep:  Eh.  Last night was good, I was only up twice to pee.  The night before, though?  Even Nick noticed how often I was up and that I was tossing and turning all night.

Best moment this week:  Making more progress on the house!

Movement:  This kid goes through spurts and it's starting to mess with my head.  Some days s/he doesn't stop (take today, for example).  But others, s/he freaks me out by sleeping for hours on end.  The other night while laying in bed, I realized that I hadn't felt anything in hours.  Cue mild freak out.  I jumped (well, as fast as a large pregnant woman can jump) up and ran to the kitchen to down some juice then got back in bed on my left side and didn't move for half an hour.  Finally s/he started doing it's thing.  Then naturally, I couldn't fall asleep because the kid up and s/he was kicking the crap out of me.

Cravings:  I've had a thing for miso soup lately.  Odd.

Aversions:  Nada.  Although the thought of certain meats still makes me cringe.  I was face to face with a meatloaf the other day and almost lost it.

Other Symptoms:  The heartburn has been out.of.control.  Other than that though, I'm doing okay.  It still seems odd to me that the awful foot/leg aches have disappeared.  And I don't know if it's the cooler weather or what, but I'm more comfortable now than I was a month ago).  Or maybe I'm just getting used to being the size of a small cow.  Now I'm just dealing with fat feet.  If they don't go back to their normal size after having this kid, I WILL have a breakdown.

Missing anything?:  Being able to have a conversation that doesn't revolve around babies.  Although I totally take the blame for that one... it's all that's on my mind so it's all I talk about.  My poor friends.

Belly Button:  Oh, this is good.  Apologies for the freaky picture but I noticed this last night while Nick was out and just HAD to send him a pic immediately.  I'm now the proud(?) owner of an outie.  But my belly button ring still fits!
Notice that the bottom is now completely sticking out... looks like some sort of crazy moon-scape, doesn't it?

Gender Prediction:  I had THE most vivid girl dream Sunday night.  We were calling her by her name and I could see exactly what she looked like.  But that probably means nothing and I'll most likely pop out a boy ;)

Mood:  I have my moments but I'm in good spirits overall.  I did, however, scream at the vacuum cleaner last night in a fit of rage.  As in actually shrieked at the top of my lungs because the thing was pissing me off.  My dogs and neighbors probably think I'm losing it.

Purchases:  Just a shit-load of house stuff.

The gorgeous vanity we ordered for our new master bathroom.  When I showed it to Nick he said "That's something that adults buy! We're not old enough!"  The house/kid thing is definitely bringing the grown-ups out of us.  haha

This was Saturday at Lowe's.  $2,000 later, we're the proud owners of too many light fixtures and ceiling fans to count, new faucets and fixtures for all the bathrooms, a mirror for the hall bath and a vanity for the powder room.  Took both of our cars to get it all home.  

Labor Signs:  Don't think so.  Although every time I take the pups for a walk, my stomach gets rock hard, making it quite uncomfortable to walk.  Not sure if that qualifies as Braxton Hicks or not...

Milestones:  Full term next week!

In Other News:  I came home the other day to find a diaper box on our front porch.  My first thought was "Score!  Someone sent me diapers!"  Then I saw the shipping label and realized that Buy Buy Baby just used it as packaging.  I bent over to pick it up, bracing myself for the weight and almost fell over backwards because the thing was so damn light.  Baffled, I took it inside, opened it up and found this:

Yes, that would be an average sized shirt box sitting all the way at the bottom of a huge diaper box.  And this is the second time I've gotten something like this from BBB.  They must have morons doing their packing.  Talk about wasteful.

'Til next week...

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