Tuesday, September 18, 2012


How far along?:  35 weeks!  Which also means only 35 days left!  Crazy, right?  Baby's the size of a coconut.

Total weight gain:  I'm up to *GASP* 183lbs as of Friday.  That makes me want to vomit.  On the other hand though, that has me at a gain of only 4lbs over the last two weeks.  I don't think that's terrible, although Dr. Negativity certainly thinks it is.  Her exact words: "Wow! You've had quite a jump in weight!"  Um... really?  And excuse me if I'm wrong, but that only has me up 42lbs.  Yes, it's over the recommended high of 35lbs but c'mon!  It's not like I'm obese!  Nor will I be.  Bitch.  I really hope she's not the on-call doc when I go into labor.

Maternity Clothes?:  I'm getting so tired of rotating through the same outfits.  A lot of my cuter maternity tops are way too short (I seriously don't understand why they don't make them longer!) so I'm basically down to tank tops, jeans or leggings and some type of cardigan/wrap.  BO-RING.  I saw a new commercial for White House Black Market the other day and got seriously sad.  I can't wait 'til I can wear cute fashionable clothing again!

Weekly belly pic:
Getting more and more torpedo-like by the day.  And please ignore the fact that there is no longer a wall behind me.  The on-going construction at the house might kill me.

Can't even remember why or where I wore a dress to last week.  Pregnancy brain, anyone?  This dress is still one of my favorite mat items though.  It's looked adorable no matter size I happen to be.

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.  And I checked myself the other night so I can say this with confidence.  Fingers crossed, people!

Sleep:  Has been okay.  Until I came down with the plague on Friday.  Since then I've been up at least hourly due to horrific pain in my throat and the fact that I can't breathe out of my nose.  Even Benadryl isn't helping much.  Third trimester colds blow.

Best moment this week:  Seeing our new addition get framed in.

This picture doesn't do it justice and they've done quite a bit since it was taken.  Kinda feels like we're finally getting somewhere.  All of the replacement windows are in, the roof is up, they did the plumbing rough yesterday and we met with the electrician this morning.

Movement:  Nick and I had fun on Sunday night just watching s/he roll all over the place.  We're fairly certain we felt a shoulder, which was a little freaky.  I've gotten used to his/her butt sticking out but feeling the shoulder was odd.  And I don't think I've mentioned this yet but this kid gets hiccups ALL THE TIME.  It's cute for the first 3 seconds, then I'm begging it to stop.  The rhythmic bouncing inside my belly is honestly pretty annoying.  Especially when I'm trying to sleep.  It'll be interesting to see if s/he has hiccups as frequently after birth.

Cravings:  I'm still on a roll with the asiago cheese bagels from Panera.  If I think it, I must get it.

Aversions:  Nada.  

Other Symptoms:  The excruciating rib pain seems to have subsided over the past few days.  The only explanation for that is that BB dropped, which is mildly terrifying.  The terrible achiness that I've had in my feet and legs is gone, too.  That one I can't explain.  I've been on them just as much, if not more and I don't feel like dying by the end of the day.  And as if I was really on a roll, the swelling had also subsided.  Until today, that is.  Humidity hates me.


Check out those sausage toes!  Pretty, no?  I am so swollen today that I can barely get my flip flops on (yes, I wore flip flops to the office... sigh...) and my feet are so damn hot that I can barely stand it.  Oh, and I can't bend my toes.  Or my fingers for that matter.  Those rings are on for the duration.  And you can't tell from the picture but even my wrists are swollen... my once loose watch is now so tight that it leaves indentations.  Lovely.

Missing anything?:  Getting drunk.  Well, not really drunk.  Buzzed, I guess you could say.  I can't wait to be able to drink a couple glasses of wine and have that fantastic relaxed, happy feeling.  Five more weeks...

Belly Button:  Flattening out more and more each day.  And on Sunday while Nick and I were engrossed in Belly Watch 2012, kid moved right to the middle of my belly and practically popped my navel right out.  Thankfully it went back to innie-style as soon as s/he moved to the side.

Gender Prediction:  I'm still thinking girl lately, although I really have no idea why.  

Mood:  Good for the most part.  I was a miserable, cranky bitch yesterday, but I blame the cold and the fact that I was beyond exhausted.  

Purchases:  Nothing new this week.

Labor Signs:  I'm pretty sure I experienced my first set of Braxton Hicks contractions last night.  I was on my hands and knees taping paper drop cloths throughout our house to protect the floors from the contractors' disgusting boots, so I was up and down, huffing and puffing for a good half hour... definitely over-did it.  Once I was done, I noticed that my entire stomach tensed up and became hard as a freaking rock.  And did so sporadically three or four times throughout the next hour.  Didn't hurt at all, just caught me off guard.

Milestones:  35/35!

In Other News:  Apparently my husband is an ace at car seat installation.  We got them checked last week and the police officer had no complaints, which was nice to hear since they say that 9 out of 10 people install them incorrectly.  We also met with a pediatrician last week.  I really liked her and was impressed with the office.  It's close to the house, they have great hours (stay open til 7 each night and have weekend hours) and have an urgent care when they're closed.  I think Nick would like me to set up an appt with a different office so we can compare but we've got so much going on that I wouldn't mind just going with this office and calling it a day.

I had my 34 (and a half) week appt on Friday.  And somehow I got horribly lost on way there.  Let's keep in mind that this is an office I've been to about a million times, in a city I've lived in for over five years.  I wish I was kidding when I told you that I had to plug the address into my GPS to get back on track.  (Didn't think there was anything to pregnancy-brain?  I beg to differ.)  Anyway, other than Dr. Negativity bitching about my earth-shattering 4lb weight gain, the appt went well.  My blood pressure was phenomenal, as it has been all along and BB's heartrate was hanging steady in the 140s.  I also got my flu shot, which both Nick and I were told was important for us to have by the pediatrician since baby will be born during flu season.  Next appt is 36 (and a half) weeks and then we go weekly.  Kinda scary to think that I have all of my appts scheduled through 38 weeks.  We're getting close!

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