Tuesday, September 11, 2012

34 weeks.

Is anyone else getting tired of these posts?  I am.  Anyway...

How far along?:  34 weeks!  Baby's the size of a butternut squash.  It seems surreal that we're getting down to the wire... only 3 weeks til full term.  Crazy.  I said something to Nick the other day about the fact that we'll be parents soon and he responded with "we're too young for that... adults do that, not us".  I feel the same.  haha

Total weight gain:  Won't be weighed again until Friday.

Maternity Clothes?:  This is getting tough... it got gloriously cool here this week (hello, fall!) and I seriously don't have the wardrobe for it.  I have one pair of maternity jeans, one pair of mat work pants, one pair of leggings and my mat magic pants, but sadly they're getting pretty tight.  All the rest of my bottoms are shorts.  And since I refuse to spend anymore money on maternity clothes, I'm going to be repeating outfits from here on out.  And doing far more laundry.  Sigh.

Maternity clothes related story:  the other night I had a dream that I went into labor at 34 weeks (which was yesterday) and in the dream I was wearing a very specific outfit.  I think it's safe to say that that particular top will no longer be part of my rotation.  Not taking any chances, people.

Weekly belly pic:
I had a friend tell me that I "dropped" yesterday.  I was kinda thinking that solely based on how much more pressure this kid is putting on my bladder, but when you compare this week's picture to last week's, I think I look exactly the same.

Only took one outfit pic last week.  I'm getting tired of seeing the same stuff all the time so I'm sick of documenting it.

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.  I'm feeling like I may make it to the end unscathed.  Although I probably just jinxed myself.

Sleep:  Has been surprisingly decent this week.  Although I've been going to bed at the ridiculously early hour of 9pm just about nightly.  And then I read for a half hour or so before drifting off.  I do, however, wake up about a bajillion times each night, either to pee or roll over.  The numb hand/arm thing is getting old.  It's especially bad if I lay on my right.  I wake up and literally can't move my hand or fingers.  Talk about annoying.

Best moment this week:  This week has been pretty uneventful.  We're making progress on the house though, which is FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC.  Framing started at the end of last week and they're installing new windows and doors today.  Three cheers for energy efficiency!  haha

Movement:  This kid has been on a roll this week.  Quite literally.  And it doesn't feel good.  AT ALL.  S/he doesn't seem to like it when I'm sitting in my desk chair at my office... I must be squishing things in there because s/he rolls all over the place and uses my bladder as a punching bag.  Not a fan.  

Cravings:  My eating has been pretty much back to normal this week.  I've been trying to get more protein and greens in and have been good on the sweets-front.  At the grocery store the other day I even put back two packages of cookies after walking around the store with them in my cart with every intention of leaving with them.  That, my friends, is restraint.

Aversions:  Nada.  

Other Symptoms:  The feet are still my biggest woe.  Sadly, almost none of my shoes fit anymore.  So this happened:

Yes, that would be a picture of my feet in slippers.  At work.  haha.  I gotta tell you though, since I've been living in slippers (at the office as well as at home), my feet haven't been swollen, nor have they hurt so much. I guess walking around in heels or barefoot on the hardwood at 8 months pregnant probably wasn't the smartest idea I ever had.

Missing anything?:  My old body.  I woke up at the crack of dawn on Sunday, when the only things on TV were infomercials and got sucked into one for Insanity.  I've been thinking about purchasing it to get myself back into shape post-baby but I'm pretty sure I'm now sold.  I desperately miss working out and can't wait to get some semblance of my old self back.

Belly Button:  Flattening out more and more each day.

Gender Prediction:  I had a very vivid girl dream on Sunday, followed by an even more vivid boy dream on Monday.  The boy dream was crazy... he came out and looked just like a little Asian baby and for some reason we let my dad name him.  He came up with Jonathan Kirkpatrick Dominick Purnomo.  Where that came from, I have no idea.  My subconscious is effed up.  (More evidence pointing toward that: last night I dreamed that I got sucked into a cult.  WTH?)  Anyway... in real life, I've been having stronger and stronger girl feelings but I don't know why.

Mood:  Good!  Just tired, even though I've been getting about 9 hours of sleep a night.

Purchases:  Nothing new this week.

Labor Signs:  I feel it's probably appropriate to add this category back into the rotation, although I don't think I've had any labor signs yet.  I'm still waiting for the infamous Braxton Hicks contractions.  And funny story (and totally TMI): last night after peeing for the 803rd time, I peed all over my hand while wiping.  For a split second I was like "wow, did my water just break?" but then I realized that BB rolled onto my bladder and pushed more out.  ha!  You're welcome for that story.

Milestones:  Um, I'm really bad at this category.  I swear I do read that updates that flood my inbox each week but I can never remember what significant development baby is currently making.  Bad Mommy.

In Other News:  We're getting our carseats inspected tomorrow and also meeting with a pediatrician.  I shall update next week :)

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