Tuesday, October 9, 2012

38 weeks

How far along?:  38 weeks!  We're down to the home stretch.  Thankfully I haven't been too bombarded with the "haven't you had that kid yet?" comments.  I've also been finding it pretty fun to mess with complete strangers... when they ask me when I'm due, I tell them "any day now!" and they look at me in horror as if the kid's going to just drop out of me right then and there.  Gotta find something entertaining about this, right?

Total weight gain:  According to my OB's scale, I'm up another pound since the week before.  Although I don't really agree (do I ever?)... it got cold here last week so I had jeans and a heavy sweater on.  I usually show up to appts in leggings and a tank or light shirt to be as light as possible on the scale.  I'm blaming the 1lb weight gain on the jeans.  We'll see what the scale says this Friday...

Maternity Clothes?:  I'm so tired of ugly maternity clothes and CANNOT wait to shop for and wear regular clothing again.  Although I'm probably setting myself up for disappointment as I'm sure nothing in my closet will fit again for ages.

Weekly belly pic:
BIG BELLY!  When I'm in actual clothes, I don't feel as if I look this large... it amazes me that I'm able to walk around without falling over ;)

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.  Fingers crossed, people!  

Sleep:  Still sucks.  That is all.

Best moment this week:  Keeping with the theme of the past couple of weeks, I'm gonna go with the house.  We've seen some pretty big changes this week.  The old exterior wall of our living room was taken down, opening the house to the new section of living room.  It literally doubled the size of it.  It's a complete freaking disaster right now but looks pretty awesome.

Here's a really blurry picture but it shows the state of upheaval that my house is in... drop cloths covering everything, the unfinished living room addition, dust everywhere... ugh.

Movement:  This kid is still pretty active.  The movement are getting more and more uncomfortable by the day though.  I think s/he dropped a bit more this week because the pressure on my bladder has been INTENSE.  TMI?  Apologies.  

Cravings:  Still going strong with the PB&J sandwiches and asiago cheese bagels from Panera.

Aversions:  Nada.  

Other Symptoms:  Nothing new, just dealing with the constant tingling in my hands and fingertips and incessant heartburn.  If the old wives tales hold true, this is going to be one hairy child.  The foot swelling is quite comical lately too... one day last week, my left foot was literally twice the size of my right and last night I had a slice of pepperoni pizza for dinner and within minutes my feet looked like puffy little pillows.  Thankfully the swelling doesn't last too long.

Missing anything?:  Not feeling heavy.  Moving is just so damn difficult.  I'm dying to remember what it was like to get out of a chair or lie down without feeling like I just ran a marathon.

Belly Button:  Oh, my belly button.  It's been a source of entertainment for us lately.  Take this morning for example.  I was lying on the couch when I felt BB move and settle right in the middle of my belly, then noticed that by doing so, s/he popped my belly button right out.  At least I'm still easily entertained ;)

Gender Prediction:  We started a baby pool at the restaurant yesterday and so far the majority of guesses have been boy.  I'm still thinking girl lately but I think it's because of the dreams I've had over the past couple of weeks.  

Mood/Feeling:  STRESSED.  Blame the house renovations.  

Purchases:  Nothing baby-related.

Labor Signs:  The Braxton Hicks contractions have been pretty intense over the past few days.  I notice them after doing any sort of activity or if I let myself get too dehydrated.  Even a leisurely stroll through Target last night brought them on.  Annoying.

Milestones:  This kid is definitely full term :)

In Other News:  This is my last week of work!  Yay!!  And with the frequency of the Braxton Hicks, I'm taking it day by day.  Thursday is definitely my last day but if I'm not feeling up to coming in tomorrow, today might be it.  Although I'm a little afraid of being bored out of my mind until the kid makes his/her appearance, I'm seriously looking forward to not working 'til the New Year.  At the very least :)

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