Monday, October 22, 2012

39 weeks

How far along?:  39 weeks! Plus 7 days.  So technically 40 weeks.  Oops.  I'll try to get my 40 week post up within the next day or so.  This had been a very hectic week and I haven't had computer access so I'm attempting to blog from my phone.

Total weight gain:  OMG, people, this is a scary topic. Between 38 and 39 weeks I only gained a pound and a half, so I was happy. This week, however has been another story. Pretty much the day I hit 39 weeks, shit hit the fan and my body really started to become affected by the pregnancy. I can't believe I'm actually admitting this for the world to see... I gained 7lbs in ONE FREAKING WEEK. It's honestly ALL water weight though. My feet, ankles, calves, knees and hands have swollen to about twice their normal size. And it hurts. I'm so stiff and can't wait til I can fit in shoes and bend my toes again. I'll spare you the picture.  

Maternity Clothes?:  I've been rotating between my one pair of mat jeans and leggings all week. And squeezing myself into the few tops I have left that cover my belly fully. 

Weekly belly pic:
Taken at 39w1d at my in-laws' house, since we were kicked out of ours by the contractors.

Stretch Marks?:  It finally happened. I have one angry little red stretch mark on my left hip. 

Sleep:  I seem to sleep well about once every 3-4 nights. Ambien is still my friend. 

Best moment this week:  High five to Baby P for staying put long enough for my mom's arrival. So glad that she's here to be with us for the delivery. My mom has been here for 4 days now and has been such a tremendous help. Our house is a serious disaster and she's been working her butt off to get it clean. And she's currently cooking homemade mac and cheese for me while I sit my ass on the couch with my feet up watching her. No complaints here :)

Another great moment this week: after being displaced for a week due to the construction (THANK GOD we have my in-laws close by and they don't mind us and the dogs rooming with them) we were able to move back home and into our new master suite! Granted, we don't have electricity, nor is the bathroom done but we're in! And it's fabulous :)

Movement:  This kid likes to mess with my head... the other day, s/he was so quiet that I was doing kick counts all day long. The past few days, however, s/he hasn't stopped moving. And due to his/her size, it's getting quite uncomfortable. 

Cravings:  Miso soup.

Aversions:  Nada.  

Other Symptoms:  As mentioned above, week 39 has been pretty much unbearable... my right hand goes numb every time I lift it or attempt do anything with it.  Do you know how hard it is to do your hair and makeup and when you can't feel your fingers?  The heartburn has also gotten exponentially worse.  And the swelling.  Oh, the swelling.  I can't even put into words how ridiculously bad it is.

Missing anything?:  Feeling like a normal human being.

Belly Button:  It's officially a full-on outie.

Gender Prediction:  I personally still have no idea but Nick did a baby pool at the restaurant and at first the overwhelming majority were going with girl but over the past day or so we've evened out.  At last count it was 11 for girl, 10 for boy.

Mood/Feeling:  My anxiety level has seriously dropped since my mom's been here and things are coming along nicely with the house so I've been in a pretty good mood lately.

Purchases:  Nothing new.  Mom and I went through all the baby clothes and bottles and stuff and determined that we have enough to get by for the first few weeks.

Labor Signs:  Still dealing with Braxton Hicks pretty regularly and I *might* have had some real contractions last night after spending an hour bent over the toilet but that also might have been because hurling for that long makes your stomach muscles a bit unhappy.

Milestones:  This kid is officially fully baked.

In Other News:  At my 38w4d OB appointment, the nurse practitioner who I saw felt that baby was getting a bit big and my stomach was measuring on the large side for the first time the entire pregnancy so she scheduled me for an ultrasound for the following week.  I had that appt last Friday at 39w4d and got to see our little (big) nugget again... the picture we got of his/her face is seriously adorable.  After taking measurements, the OB determined that baby was already over 8lbs so we started talking induction.  He scheduled me for another appt today (40 weeks) and after an exam found that I'm not dilated at all but my cervix is soft, anterior and about 60% thinned so I'm making progress.  Since I've been so severely swollen and BB is on the large side, he had no problem getting me scheduled for induction this week.  I picked Wednesday in hopes that my body will decide to go into labor on it's over the next 48 hours.  Fingers crossed, people!

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