Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Induction day!

How far along?:  40 weeks, 2 days!  The last pregnancy post.  This kid is DONE!  I'm gonna keep this post short since I was so late with last week's.

Total weight gain:  Ugh, I was up ANOTHER FREAKING pound at today's appt.  

Maternity Clothes?:  I am so happy to say that my days of mat clothes are numbered.

Weekly belly pic:

40w2d, the very last maternity picture.  I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

Stretch Marks?:  Just that one little red mark on my left hip.  I think I can live with that :)

Sleep:  Has actually been pretty good for the past few days.  I took an Ambien last night to ensure that I had a great night's sleep before heading to L&D tonight and it was glorious.  

Best moment this week:  Scheduling the eviction date!  

Movement:  Constant right up to the end!  Can't wait to see if this kid's as squirmy on the outside as s/he is on the inside.

Cravings:  Nothing in particular.

Aversions:  Nada.  

Other Symptoms:  This hasn't changed since my last post... OMG the tingling/numbness in my hands HAS.GOT.TO.STOP.  Apparently this is pregnancy induced carpal tunnel.  FUN!  It's gotten so bad lately that if my right hand is above my heart for any length of time (I'm talking seconds here), it falls asleep.  This is seriously annoying since, you know, I'm right handed.

Missing anything?:  Being able to move freely.

Belly Button:  Outie!  But I'm proud to say that I managed to keep my belly button ring in throughout the pregnancy.  Now to see if they make me remove it at the hospital tonight...

Gender Prediction:  The past couple of days I've been thinking boy.  No reasoning behind it, however.

Mood/Feeling:  Excited to meet this kid, but a little bittersweet that my pregnancy has come to an end. Even though I didn't really love being pregnant, I can't complain... it wasn't so bad that I wouldn't do it again and I honestly think I'm going to miss feeling him/her be with me all the time.

Purchases:  Nothing since the last post.

Labor Signs:  None, unfortunately.  Other than feeling like I'm carrying this kid between my knees.  Say a prayer that the induction process works to send me into labor to avoid a c-section.

Milestones:  I made it!

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