Tuesday, August 28, 2012

32 weeks.

How far along?:  32 weeks!  Only 8 weeks left to go.  Does that scare the shit out of anyone else?

Total weight gain:  We shall find out on Friday.  I'm not looking forward to it.  Although I keep looking at myself wondering where the hell my body is hiding 35 extra pounds.  I'm seriously ALL belly and it honestly doesn't seem that big.

Maternity Clothes?:  My maternity pants (the demi-panel ones, anyway) are starting to get a bit snug.  This could be a problem.  

Weekly belly pic:
What do you think?  Starting to get a little torpedo-like, huh?

A couple outfits from last week.  Totally forgot about the coral shirt that I bought way back in the beginning... it was a nice surprise to find in my closet.

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.  And let's keep it that way.  

Sleep:  Still a little better.  Although I'm exhausted during the day yet can't fall asleep before midnight at night.  I'm not napping either, so it's kind of strange.  And I set a new record the other night by getting up 6 times to pee.  In 7 hours.  Ridiculous.

Best moment this week:  My best friend of 32 years had her baby this week.  After the hell she went through to conceive, carry the pregnancy to term and deliver him safely, I'm so happy that she and her husband finally have their precious little baby boy.  My Godson :)

And in house news, we have footings!  Is it sad that a little bit of poured concrete excites me so?

Progress!!  And today they moved the sewer line.  See that giant pipe sticking out of the middle of the existing foundation?  Can't have that going directly through our new basement so they're moving it to the garage wall.  When I left the house this morning the forms were in place to pour the foundation walls so hopefully we'll really start to see some progress soon.  T-minus 8 weeks, people.

Movement:  So constant that it's a little annoying (sorry BB).  When I sitting up and leaning forward slightly, s/he kicks up a storm right at my waistline (probably doesn't like being squished) and it seriously tickles.  Thank God there's no one else in my office to see me squirming all over the place.  

Cravings:  I saw a recipe for Fudgy Brownie Cookies on the Pinterest the other day and immediately ran out to buy the ingredients necessary to make them.  They are AMAZING.  But you really didn't think I could stop at the cookies, right?  Turning them into a warm brownie sundae with Fudge Tracks ice cream and caramel sauce proved a way better idea.  And yes, I've had a bowl each night since Saturday.  And I wonder where the 35lbs came from, haha ;)

Aversions:  Nada.

Other Symptoms:  The heartburn seems to be getting progressively worse.  I've been living on Zantac for the past week.  My legs and feet though, are still my biggest source of complaint.  I can't even describe how sore and achy I am at the end of each day.  I just lay on the couch and moan.  I'm sure husband loves it.  My feet have also started to swell pretty badly all of a sudden.  It's not really noticeable to anyone but me but I can't stand it.  And it's really only my left foot.  Explain that one.

Missing anything?:  Being able to roll over in bed without getting winded.

Belly Button:  It's just about flat.  I'm starting to worry about my beloved belly button ring making it another 8 weeks. 

Gender Prediction:  Still keep hearing from EVERYONE that this kid is a boy.  How I would love to prove them all wrong.  (Not that I don't want a boy, I just don't like it when people tell me so confidently that they know what it is.  And proving people wrong is fun.)

Mood:  Still good.  I'm pretty excited this week because Mom gets in town on Thursday, followed by Craig, Michelle and Cameron on Friday.  Then I get to celebrate baby at my shower on Saturday!  Can't wait.  'Til then though, I'm occupying myself by stalking the shit out of my registry online.

Purchases:  Nothing new this week.

Milestones:  32 week appt is this Friday which means ultrasound!  Haven't had one since 20 weeks so we're pretty excited.

In Other News:  We took the Crib Notes & Baby Talk (i.e. Parenting for Dummies) class at the hospital on Saturday.  Thankfully it was much better than the hospital tour we did the previous week.  The instructor was crazy-enthusiastic about everything baby and gave us some fantastic tips.  We also got some hands-on practice with burping, swaddling and diapering.  Quite helpful for someone who hasn't taken care of a newborn in almost 20 years.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

31 weeks

How far along?:  31 weeks!  Technically 31 weeks, 2 days because I'm a slacker and can never seem to post on time.  And in case you're keeping track, today marks exactly two months 'til my due date.  Woot!  BB is the size of a pineapple.  Thankfully not as prickly, though ;)

Total weight gain:  Seriously hoping that my appt next weeks shows a minimal gain.  I realized a couple of days after my last appt (that showed a 5lb gain in two weeks) that the iron pills were doing a number on my digestive system... i.e. bringing to a complete halt.  Now that the Colace seems to have kicked in, I'm back to normal and blame the weight gain on my intestines being, um, full.  Hopefully now that they're being emptied on the regular, I won't be as heavy.  You're welcome for that story.

Maternity Clothes?:  Nick seemed worried the other day that I didn't have enough to get me through the fall so I went back to Destination Maternity to invest in a few more pieces.  Didn't find too much but I got another cardigan and a pair of full length leggings to wear with boots when it gets cooler.  

Weekly belly pic:
After looking back at my earlier bump pics today, I realized that I really need to start doing my hair again.  This flat, lifeless thing I've got going on isn't doing anything for my appearance.

Pretty sure I forgot to post this last week, so here it is.  These stickers are silly but I like 'em :)

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.

Sleep:  I'm almost afraid to say it but sleep has been better this week.  I've been getting up only 2-3 times to pee (probably means I'm not drinking enough water) and I've been feeling fairly rested in the mornings.  Let's hope this keeps up for a little while longer.

Best moment this week:  Getting our maternity pics!!  I teased one of them last week but here are some of my favorites.  I had so much fun during the shoot and am so glad we have these to remember this time in our lives.

Movement:  Sunday was insane.  BB literally didn't stop moving all day.  Even during church while I was standing s/he was doing flips and throwing punches.  I usually don't feel him/her unless I'm sitting or laying down.  It was distracting, to say the least.  Then on Monday though, Kid decided to scare me.  I realized sometime late evening that I really hadn't felt him/her much that day.  So I laid in one position for about 45 minutes and felt only one movement.  Cue minor freak out.  I got up, chugged some juice and laid back down.  A few minutes later s/he finally began to roll around.  And hasn't stopped since.  I being punched in the cervix as we speak.  

Cravings:  Ice.  This is a weird one for me, but apparently it's a pretty common pregnancy craving.  I find myself wanting to chew the little ice cubes in my water lately.  I've never been an ice chewer because my teeth couldn't handle the cold.  Now I can't get enough.

Aversions:  Nada.

Other Symptoms:  My feet are still rebelling the extra weight.  Yesterday I did a fair amount of walking and paid for it last night.

Missing anything?:  Booze.  I had a dream last night that I had the baby and was getting bombed with girlfriends on margaritas and wine.  Two months and counting.

Belly Button:  Hanging in there.  

Gender Prediction:  Although I've really had no inclination one way or the other, early in the pregnancy I kept picturing BB as a boy and referring to it as a him.  Now for some reason whenever I picture baby I think girl.  Might have something to do with the fact that EVERYONE thinks it's a he and I just want to prove them all wrong ;)

Mood:  Good!  Now that our renovations are finally moving along I've been able to relax a bit and I think it's helped my mood. Also helpful is the fact that my shower is next Saturday and my mom, brother, sister-in-law and nephew are all flying in for it.  So excited!!

Purchases:  I don't think we purchased anything baby-related this week.

Milestones:  Um.  I'm drawing a blank again.  I should probably start looking something up about the baby for this category.

In Other News:  We did our hospital tour last night.  Big fat waste of time, in my opinion.  I mean, I suppose it was good to get a lay of the land and some sort of idea of where to go and what the rooms are like but it was pretty worthless.  It was more of a lecture from the tour guide/L&D nurse on the benefits of breast-feeding.  So naturally I'm now worried that the nurses at the hospital are going to try to shame me into doing something I'm not comfortable doing.  We're taking a "crib notes" class on Saturday... or what I like to call, the "how to keep your child alive" class and I seriously hope they're not as preachy.  Sigh.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

30 weeks.

How far along?:  30 weeks!  Which seems insane to me.  Baby is likened to a cucumber this week.  A cucumber with a large rump that keeps pressing against my side.  It's pretty hysterical that when I lay on that side at night, baby pushes back.  So sorry for making you uncomfortable, Kid ;)

Total weight gain:  Won't know til my next appt on Thursday.  Although the box of Sugar Babies I just downed can't have done good things for my ever-growing waistline. 

Maternity Clothes?:  I got a couple of sweater-wrap things at Destination Maternity yesterday and realized that if we have a cold fall, I'm going to be screwed.  On the positive side of that, there were some really cute fall pieces there I probably should go back and buy :)  

Weekly belly pic:
Ignore the hair.  This is what happens when I sleep on curls.

This is the only pic I took of an outfit last week.  I call it pregnancy: funeral style.  Because I wore it to a funeral.

Stretch Marks?:  Still none.

Sleep:  Still sucks.  I was utterly exhausted all day Friday... I slept in, took an afternoon nap and was still in bed by 8:30pm.  And I toss and turn all night, every night.  Just can't get comfortable anymore.  That also may have something to do with the fact that I've been on the couch or guest bed for the past few nights.  Because I'm ridiculous and am fearful that our house will collapse while sleeping in my own bed.  See exhibit A:

Towards the back of the house (right side of picture), above the giant hole sits my bed.  And see all that water and sloppy, wet soil?  I'm terrified that everything will shift, affecting the structural integrity of the house and down we'll go.  Now, rationally I know that this (most likely) will NOT happen but in my sleep-deprived irrational mind I know I'll wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to fall back asleep because I'll be overwhelmed with this fear.  So I sleep on the other side of the house.  'Cause, you know, if one foundation wall fails, the rest of the house will remain intact, right?

Sigh.  Home renovations blow.

Best moment this week:  I have a couple.  I took a photography class on Saturday to learn how to use my fancy new digital SLR camera.  And I can proudly now say that I'm comfortable shooting in settings other than automatic :)

Next would be the fact that the excavation for the addition finally began.  Even though it's an effing disaster at this point, at least we're finally getting somewhere.

And for the absolute BEST moment of the week?  Maternity pics!  We had them done last night at exactly 30 weeks and have received one "teaser" pic so far.  I'm so happy with the way it came out and cannot wait to see the rest.  And you all know me, right?  So you won't judge when I tell you that this was outfit #1 of 4 ;)  We started at the State Education Building which is where we had our engagement and wedding pictures done.  We love our little downtown and plan to do future family pics here.  I can't wait to put a frame together showing the progression of our family.

August 13, 2012 ~ Maternity

November 9, 2008 ~ Engagement

November 8, 2009 ~ Wedding

Movement:  Constant.  The rolling is getting more and more intense.  I keep finding myself just staring at my stomach in awe.  Watching BB slowly roll from one position to another is the strangest thing I've ever experienced.

Cravings:  Potato bread.  No idea where that one came from.

Aversions:  Nada.

Other Symptoms:  Still dealing with heartburn and puffy toes.  My fingers also seem to swell up daily but it's not terrible.  The worst though is the aching feet.  They hurt.so.bad after any amount of walking.  I guess my body really doesn't like the extra 30lbs it's attempting to support.

Missing anything?:  Sleep.

Belly Button:  Hanging in there.  

Gender Prediction:  We still have no inclination but got more boy guesses this week.  It's baffling to me how adamant everyone is that kid's got a weenie.

Mood:  Back and forth.  I either have REALLY good days or am completely miserable and cranky.

Purchases:  We bought the carseat over the weekend.  We went with the Chicco Keyfit 30.

I had a 20% coupon to BRU burning a hole in my pocket so we just decided to go buy it ourselves rather then hope someone purchases it for us.  Not to mention the fact that BRU carries it in orange and Buy Buy Baby (where we're registered) doesn't.  The one we originally registered for at BBB was fine and would've matched the stroller okay but this one will be perfect.  Assuming we're lucky enough to get the stroller we want...
See?  Perfect :)

Milestones:  30 weeks in itself seems like a pretty big milestone.  I honestly can't believe we've made it this far already.

In Other News:  I'm now on the every-two-week-appt rotation with my OB so even though it seems that I was just there, I have another appt on Thursday.  We also start classes at the hospital next week... first up is the hospital tour and then we have a crib notes class.  The next few weeks are going to FLY with everything we have lined up.  And my shower is two weeks from Saturday... EEK!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I have a legitimate excuse...

To continue gorging myself on sugary goodness like this, found out at one of my local grocery stores.


Take THAT gestational diabetes ;)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

29 weeks.

How far along?:  29 weeks!  Bakmi's the size of an acorn squash.  If only s/he would stay all balled up like that instead of stretching across my stomach and poking/kicking/tickling my inside organs ;)

Total weight gain:  Ugh.  People, I have broken the 170 mark.  I'm officially up 30lbs.  This makes me sad.  I've never weighed above 150, let alone 170.  This weight BETTER come off.  Remind me to put down the cupcakes, will you?

Maternity Clothes?:  Starting to second guess my fall wardrobe.  I definitely have enough summer mat. clothes but I think I'm going to be screwed in the fall.  Better get on that.  

Weekly belly pic:
Can you say enormous?  Really not sure how I'm gonna fit 11 more weeks in there.

Clockwise from top left: 28w5d, all dressed up Dennis & Janelle's wedding.  This dress was AMAZING, by the way.  28w4d, casual w/ curls for D&J's rehearsal dinner.  28w2d, dressed for work (this Asos top has become my new favorite).  28 week sticker picture, taken late at 28w6d.  Oops.

Stretch Marks?:  Still none, thankfully, although my sides have been itching like mad lately.  Hope this isn't a sign of what's to come.

Sleep:  Is AWFUL.  I broke my own record the other night, getting up 7 (yes, that's SEVEN) times to pee in 8 hours.  Can you say fitful sleep?  Sigh.

Best moment this week:  Dennis and Janelle's wedding.  It was nice to be told so many times how incredible I look and how much I rock for staying in stillettos all night while the majority of the female wedding guests had changed to flip flops.  And I didn't just sit on my ass all night either... I danced a bit.  Definitely paid for it the next day, but I did it :)

Movement:  Kid has been OUT.OF.CONTROL lately.  S/he was moving around so much yesterday that it was making me sick to my stomach.  I'm not complaining though, I love it :)

Cravings:  Plums.  I've eaten about a dozen over the past or so.

Aversions:  Nada.

Other Symptoms:  Sausage toes.  And slightly puffy feet.  It's been so damn humid that I've had trouble fitting in my shoes.  Thankfully the past two days have been gorgeous so my feet are back to normal size.

Missing anything?:  Sleep.

Belly Button:  Slowly flattening out.  And I had a little moment of panic the other night when I lost the bottom ball to my belly button ring.  I couldn't find it anywhere and couldn't find my replacement balls so I freaked out a little thinking I was finally going to have to cave and remove it entirely.  Luckily I found my spares so I'm good for another week :)

Gender Prediction:  Everyone, and I mean everyone, at the wedding Saturday predicted boy.  I have no idea why everyone's so adamant.

Mood:  Tired and slightly cranky.

Purchases:  The knobs for my dresser finally came in last week. (If you're friends with me on facebook you've already heard this story).  I got home and excitedly sat down to screw in the 9 knobs on my 9 drawer dresser.  Makes perfect sense, right?

Apparently I'm a moron.  Yes, there are 9 drawers but there are 15 holes for knobs.  You'd think I'd know this since I'm intimately familiar with the dresser after the countless coats of primer, paint and poly I applied.  Eff you, pregnancy brain, eff you.  I literally sat on the floor in front of the dresser laughing at myself.  And I won't get into it but it was such an ordeal to get these 9 ordered that the thought of having to go back to the store to order 6 more was something I wasn't even willing to entertain.  Thankfully Mom came to the rescue. The Hobby Lobby in St. Louis had them in stock so she picked them up for me and will be bringing them with her next month for my shower.

Milestones:  Um, I'm drawing a blank.

In Other News:  After failing the one hour glucose test, I went back to LabCorp for the three hour on Wednesday.  It wasn't nearly as bad as I had thought it would be.  They had a nice little "comfort room" with a comfy recliner for me to chill in so I sat there most of the time watching a movie that Nick downloaded on his iPad for me.

This is the sight that the poor LabCorp nurses were subjected to 3 1/2 hours.

I also had my 28 week OB appt last week.  The results of the 3 hour glucose weren't in yet and I'm still waiting to hear but everything else looked good and BB kicked at the doppler again and had a heartrate in the 140s-150s.  

We've officially entered every-two-week-appt territory so I'll be back again on the 16th for another baby check.  Hey, there's my milestone :)