This post should really be titled "NEW CAR NEW CAR NEW CAR NEW CAR NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!"
'Cause I'm feeling a little happy.
Ok. Deliriously happy is more like it.
But a little sad at the same time.
Like previously mentioned, I get attached to things. My car is one of them.
Here I am, looking like a tool, showing off my beloved, elderly Jeep, in my not so pretty garage.
This Jeep took me through my twenties. Literally. I bought it at age 20, sold it at age 30. This car and I have seen a lot together. It made the trip between Cape Girardeau and St. Louis (during my college years) too many times to count, gave me a warm, comfortable place to nap when I found myself at work a whole 8 minutes early, nursed itself back to health after being involved in not one, but three accidents, none of which were my fault, held me together during my excruciating 30+ mile bumper to bumper commutes to various communities during my McBride days, and most importantly, made the 1,000 mile journey with ease, moving me, my dogs and my life from St. Louis to Albany.
As much as I bitched and moaned about how shitty my car was, I loved it. We have memories, people! Is that ridiculous?
Remember this post?
I finally got my wish.
This lovely now belongs to me. So pretty I can't stand it.
And one more time, for comparison's sake...
My husband spoils me. Although I really think he was just sick of me stealing his car all the time ;)
Whatever works, people, whatever works.
*And Jeep Peeps, you really should be thanking us for our devotion... we're on #5. We may have a problem.

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