So this morning I got out of bed, peed and walked my naked-ass to the scale. Yes, this is my morning ritual. Don't judge.
And holy shit, the scale made my day! 131.2 people! I've officially passed my original goal of 132 and am well on my way to getting under 130. Too bad we'll be in Napa for the next 7 days gorging ourselves with wine, cheese and the like*.
Look at that beautiful "h" on the rear.
I first heard about Citizens of Humanity jeans on Oprah (love her and seriously might cry when her show ends) during a show about denim makeovers.
On the show was a woman who had been searching for jeans for years. She had flat-ass syndrome and ridiculously long legs and had never been able to find jeans to accomodate her, um, problem. Sound familiar? The next chance I got, I rushed to the store to try these puppies on. It was love at first zip. Thus began my love affair with COH jeans. I own roughly a dozen pairs. Overkill? Probably.
This picture didn't come out as planned. I was attemping to show just how nice my trusty COHs make my ass look. But I cut off my legs. Such is life.
So. Suffering from flat-ass syndrome? Buy the Citizens. Flat-ass be gone.
True story.
*Have I mentioned how I excited I am to be back in a state that has a Jack in the Box?? There's a strong possibility that we'll be making a stop (or four) for some delicious deep-fried tacos. And holy shit, our hotel has afternoon tea! As in, fourth meal. In the middle of the day! See ya next week, diet.

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