100. 100! Let's see... accomplishment or failure? Accomplishment as in I've actually written 100 posts. Failure as in it's taken over a year and I still have next to no readers. Oh well.
Back to the topic at hand.
I really wish I was making this up. I seriously pulled (strained?) a stomach muscle yesterday during a violent coughing, nose blowing extravaganza. I walked around most of the evening holding my side. And you know how when it hurts to laugh, all you want to do is laugh? Yeah. That happened. Thankfully it doesn't hurt nearly as bad today.
And ooh! Today! Boot camp started again today. Much to husband's chagrin. I compromised though... I'm only going to be going once a week this session. Hopefully it will be enough to make my soft parts hard again (take that however you'd like) and motivate me to get to spin class and/or the gym two or three times a week. I need to sign up for a few races. That should get me moving. I like having a goal... working out for the sole purpose of working out doesn't do it for me. Knowing I could embarrass myself at a race I haven't prepared for? All the motivation I need.
How's that for a completely random and utterly pointless 100th post?