Friday, April 6, 2012

10 weeks

Originally written on March 28, 2012, but again, I need to get caught up.  

How far along?:  10 weeks.  Woot for double digits!  Apparently baby is the size of a prune this week.

Total weight gain:  I haven't stepped on a scale in about 3 weeks and I don't plan to until my appt on Monday.

Maternity Clothes?:  No, and the bloat seems to have dissipated a bit so I'm not as uncomfortable as I was.

Stretch Marks?:  No.

Sleep:  OMG this week has been awful.  Talk about sheer and utter exhaustion.

Best moment this week:  Um.  I'm drawing a blank.  Oh wait, husband announced the pregnancy at a wine dinner we attended on Sunday.  That was pretty fun.

Cravings:  Veggie subs from Subway.  On Italian Herbs and Cheese bread with extra American cheese, lettuce, spinach, tomato, onion, banana peppers and jalapenos.  And honey mustard.  And a side of sour cream and onion Baked Lays.  I'm not at all specific.

Aversions:  Still meat.  And cooked veggies.

Other Symptoms:  The heartburn started last week but it hasn't been bad.  Still hungry all the time and I just generally haven't felt good.

Missing anything?:  Working out.  I had the most glorious dream about running a 5K the other night.  In my dream I was running such a strong race and I could literally feel it.  I woke up sorely disappointed.

Showing?:  Nope, just looking a little fluffy.

Gender Prediction:  Eh.  I really have no inkling one way or the other.

Mood:  Holy shit have I been irritable lately.  Yesterday I totally took it out on a poor unsuspecting real estate agent whose client had the nerve to submit a low offer on one of my listings.  How dare he?  haha.

Purchases:  I found a killer pair of Mavi maternity jeans at Pea in the Pod last week.  On clearance.  Score.  They fit and look just like my regular non-mat Mavis.  Love.  I also got a pretty cute color-block dress that will be perfect for the summer.

Milestones:  10 weeks is a pretty significant milestone in my head.  Now let's hope that when I get to the doctor for my next u/s on Monday that everything looks good and baby's still growing away!

Obligatory Belly Pics:  The bloat has subsided over the past week or so and my pants fit better.  I actually think I look a bit skinnier at 10 weeks than I did at 9.  Although that roll of back fat that's creeping it's way in isn't making me too happy.

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