Monday, April 2, 2012

Well this is interesting.

Since the world (i.e. facebook) is now in our secret, I can officially post the following:

*Originally written on Feb 11, 2012*

So I found out this morning that I'm, um, knocked up.


It was quite unexpected and I'm still in shock.  Don't get me wrong, it's totally wanted and we're SO excited but it's taken so damn long to get here that I didn't think it was ever gonna happen.

Long story short, I tossed the pills last April and we've been trying (practicing? haha) since May.  I had some issues which led me to believe that my progesterone level was low and after convincing my OB that I needed bloodwork done, my fear was confirmed.

Knowing it was most likely an easy fix, we scheduled an appt with a fabulously gracious and understanding RE and decided on a game plan.

Said game plan was to start my next cycle with Clomid, a trigger shot and Crinone (progesterone suppositories... ick).  Then began the waiting game.  I had all my shiny new meds on hand, ready to go and didn't really give too much thought to the fact that I was a day late (my body's seriously consistent).

Cut to this morning when I awoke and realized that damn, I'm two days late with no annoying period (I hate that word) symptoms.

While husband was still in bed, I peed in a cup, dipped the stick and waited.  After an eternally long 3 minutes, I grabbed the stick, turned it every which way and could've sworn I saw the faintest shadow of a line.

Here's where I tell you I had all these cute ideas rolling around in my head about how to announce a pregnancy to husband. You know, handing him a onesie with "I love my daddy" written across the front, or dressing the dogs up in "I'm the big brother/sister" shirts (sidenote: he HATES it when I dress the dogs up) or something else even cornier.

And here's where I tell you how it actually happened:  Me:  "Babe?  Can you come here for a sec?"  He saunters into the bathroom, pre-coffee and still fuzzy from having just woken up.  "Do you see a line on this?"  Romantic, right?  After showing him how to properly view it in just the *right* light, he said that yes, he did see the faintest shadowy line.  Although I think he might've been humoring me.

Not satisfied, I immediately consulted my favorite know-it-all, Google, to find out which pregnancy tests were the best for early detection since I was only 10dpo.  Then I ran to Target to buy said tests.  And I'd be lying if I said I didn't consider taking the test in the Target bathroom.  Somehow I managed to make the 7 minute drive home without breaking any major traffic laws.

This time there was no mistaking it.

Holy shit.  He knocked me up.

Go figure, my body decided to work properly literally days before I start fertility meds.

I did have (who am I kidding, am still having) a minor freakout about my low progesterone issue so I got on the phone with the RE's office, told them I peed on a stick and got a positive result and they instructed me to start with the Crinone right away.  I'm still nervous because had this cycle been monitored by the RE, I would've started it 9 days ago.  Seriously hoping it works it's magic and keeps me pregnant.

The RE's office also scheduled me for bloodwork at 7am Monday morning to confirm the pregnancy and test my progesterone level.  Only 33.5 hours to go. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day.  And goddammit, I can't take my beloved Ambien anymore to help me sleep the hours away :(  Oh well, it's a small trade-off.  Compared to all the wine I'm gonna be missing out on.


Long story, well, long, I'm having a kid!  Say a prayer and have a drink for me.  Estimated due date: October 24, 2012!

Obligatory "before" picture.  Well, 3 weeks 3 days pregnant picture.

I can't stand that I worked so damn hard over the past 18 months to get my body in shape and then let it go to hell literally the month before getting pregnant.  I'm definitely starting off fluffier than I'd like.  Such is life.

PS... Today is my mom's birthday so naturally I had to call her immediately.  What a great birthday present for a grandma, right?  Too bad she's sworn to secrecy and isn't allowed to tell anyone for weeks.  Sorry, Mom ;)

*Update Feb 13, 2012*

Just got my first numbers back from my bloodwork:

hcg: 142
progesterone: 30

Couldn't be better.  So why am I still terrified?

*Update Feb 15, 2012*

Second numbers from bloodwork:

hcg: 469
progesterone: 29

Still looking great!  I'm starting to relax.  A little ;)

To be continued...

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