Friday, October 29, 2010
And on a lighter note...

Awkward Emotions.
Let's start with this. We all know that I'm a pretty laid-back person with a positive disposition, sense of humor and a great outlook on life. Right? Right. I think that's what makes it hard for me to go back to a time in my life where I was in a pretty bad place. Raw, emotional, angry. On the other hand, I'm very sentimental and love looking at pictures of my past, remembering what if felt like to be "me" then.
I am so completely in love with my life now. Husband, house, fur-children, job, family, friends. Everything. I've moved on from the bad parts of my past and cherish the happy parts but this one caught me completely off guard.
Yesterday, while purusing a St. Louis real estate site (something I do semi-regularly, being the voyeur that I am) I came across a listing that looked all too familiar.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My MIL has had a charm bracelet since she was a tiny, tiny baby. There is literally no room to add anymore charms. It's so neat to look at all the charms and hear the stories of where they came from... it tells her life story, in a way.
Even though I admire these bracelets on others, I never thought I'd be into them (although I did jump on the Italian charm bracelet craze of 2004 for a hot minute) until my boss got me a Pandora charm bracelet for my 30th birthday this summer.

I know the pictures suck (guess Pandora doesn't want people like me ripping images off of their site).
If you couldn't tell, it's a tiny little house! Love. Perfect for a real estate agent, no?
I'm now officially addicted to Pandora. I feel like the bracelets are a bit more trendy than traditional charm bracelets and we know I'm all about image and trends ;)
While scouring the Pandora site, I came across a few more charms that are pretty great. Note the lack of color. I'm all about simplicity with this bracelet... let's keep it all silver. I don't want a wrist full of hot pink, green or yellow. God forbid the colors compete with my everyday attire of, um, all black.

Daisy. 'Cause I love daisies. Especially the fall colored ones currently on my mantel.

The letter P. 'Cause, you know, my last names starts with one.

I think this is called the "Forget me Knot". Whatev. I just like it.
In an effort to collect a few more of these lovelies, I'm openly accepting Christmas gifts. Starting now. ha
Monday, October 25, 2010
The incredible shrinking Carolyn
Anyway. At Boot Camp, before our 30 minute run and relay workout, we were measured. Gotta tell ya... I was a bit nervous this time. My eating has been less than stellar over the past few weeks. I was really starting to miss wine. And carbs.
In true Carolyn fashion, however, I ate like a champ the day before and limited my sodium intake to, you know, lessen the belly bloat on measurement day.
And guess what?
It worked!
Or maybe it really was all the hard work I put into my workouts. Go figure.
Onto the results:
I'll start from way back in July when I first posted my accomplishments. Just because I know you want the refresher. Not at all because I like to gloat. ha
(Numbers are from 6/19/10, 7/29/10 and 10/23/10)
weight: 145 - 138.5 - 132.5
bicep: 11.25" - 10.5" - 10.25" (Guns, baby!)
chest: 36.75" - 36" - 35" (This is starting to scare me... I'm out of back fat so it means that yes, my boobs are shrinking. Sorry husband.)
waist: 30" - 28.5" - 27.5" (I seriously uttered a "nuht uh" when she read that measurement. The lack of sodium the day before must've worked wonders. I don't really think this is accurate on a daily basis, but whatever.)
hips: 39" - 37.25" - 36" (woo hoo!!)
thigh: 21" - 20" - 20" (No change. Poo. Although my thighs are seriously solid so I guess I can't complain.)
So as you can see, my body is still working it's magic and ridding itself of unsightly fat. When I first started, my goal weight was 132. But now that I'm so freaking close, I'm pushing for 130. And when I get there, I'm sure I'll want to go further because OH MY GOD, haven't seen the 120s since my teens!!
And now for some more oh-so-lovely "after" pics.
Honestly though, I think I look quite bloated in these pics. Must've been a bad sodium day. I feel like my stomach looks flatter than that in real life.
And shut up. Cameras DO lie.
Still have a slight belly bulge. Judging from my mother though, I don't think I'll ever rid of it. She's taller and proportionately thinner than I am and has had one her entire life.
Ooh, but look! Or don't, if you happen to be my brother reading this. I have (kind of) an ass! All of those walking lunges are paying off!
Be gone, flat-ass syndrome, be gone!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
30th Birthday Extravaganza - 80's Style
Like previously noted, the Husband began planning my 30th birthday party on the day of my 29th birthday. And seriously, that year's worth of planning did not disappoint. He figured that since I was born in 1980 and have a slight (and by slight, I mean ridiculously huge) obsession with 80's music, an 80's themed costume party would be perfect. Good thinking, Husband, good thinking.
He let me in on the theme a few months before the big day so I would have time to find appropriate attire.
Let's think back to the 80's for a moment, shall we? I'd say the thing that comes to mind for most is BIG hair. Unfortunately, big hair is something I severely lack. If you're in need of pin-straight, fine, lifeless hair, however, I'm your girl. (Although I did manage to rock the spiral perm and feathered bang look in 1990... thank you, Aqua Net.) So on that note, I came up with a costume to cover the opposite-of-80's-type-hair with a hat! Oh, how I love hats. And guess which totally tubular 80's popstar was a huge fan of the hat?
That's right, "it's electric!", it's the wholesome Debbie Gibson.
Now for the costume. Lucky for me, this handy-dandy thing called Google had just what I needed. Inspiration pic below popped up on the first search for "Debbie Gibson style".
Radical, dude!

Onto the party.
Rico, I mean husband, even put together an 80's candy bar. Complete with all the 80's staples... candy dots, PopRocks, Pixy Sticks, Ring Pops, WarHeads, AirHeads and more. It was definitely a hit.
He hired a DJ to play nothing but 80's tunes and even coordinated with our photographer to have a photobooth set up to document the night.
Also in attendance:

Fire Marshall Bill and his Cabbage Patch Kids

Punky Brewster

Lots of Big Hair, Day-Glo and 80's Prom Queens

Didn't everyone look awesome? I was amazed at some of the costumes our guests came up with. Husband even had prizes for best costume.
So. My 30th birthday party was such an unbelievable, unforgettable night. We danced our butts off, belted out Madonna and Journey, ate, drank and had a fantastic time.
And then they made me blow out 30 candles. Good thing I didn't catch fire ;)
The end.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Honeymoon Redo
However, that time is not now... would take way too long and I am far too lazy.
On with my original thought...
Once again, thanks to my husband's awesomeness and the hard work of him, his parents and employees, we get to go back to Napa and relive the amazing experience we had on our honeymoon!! And coincidentally we'll be going over the weekend of our first anniversary. Perfect, no?
Yono's, the fine dining side of dp: An American Brasserie, was recognized with not one, not two, but three awards from Sante Magazine. Yono's was named the 2010 regional winner for Culinary Hospitality, Wine Hospitality and Spirits Hospitality. Complete list here.
I'm so proud of my husband and in-laws. The restaurants are truly fantastic and it's nice to see that fact recognized by someone else. 'Cause you know, I'm probably just a little biased ;)

Congrats husband... SO excited that we'll be seeing this same view in just a few short weeks!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Pack a bag and let's go...
Does. Not. Do. Justice. to the deliciousness that were these apple-filled "pancakes". I also had the most perfect white hot chocolate. Where's the picture? Nope, didn't get one... I was far too busy guzzling it to stop and snap a pic. And aside from the fantastic meals this place offers, they make gourmet chocolates, selling for something ridiculous like $35/lb. We bought some anyway.
So now that we've got full bellies we can continue our journey north.
Per usual, I'm babbling away in the car... something about wanting to go to the outlet mall in St. Louis on my trip the following week when (I kid you not) we pull into the Adirondack Outlet Mall. I must be psychic.
And can I tell you? My husband is way too generous. Not that I'm complaining. What girl wouldn't want these beautiful Kenneth Cole boots purchased for her? That's right, no one. And if there is someone who would turn them down, pick up a size 8.5 and send them to me. Please and thanks.
After checking into our deluxe king room with lake views,
we had a drink at a quite cliched bar in the resort. Definitely wouldn't know we're in the Adirondacks, would ya? ;)
And it was fabulous :)